You should be completely familiar with the use of the direct and oblique singular forms of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives:
km:ra, m:òø, y:h
km:rð, hm:, y:ð
km:rð, m:ØJ:, Es:
km:raðø, hm:, En:
In addition you should know the vocative form of nouns:
l:_ka, l:_ki
l:_kñ, l:_eky:aú
l:_kñ, l:_ki
l:_kað, l:_eky:að
For some speakers the vocative plural ending is nasalized -Aaðø : l:_kaðø, l:_eky:aðø.
The vocative is used when calling out to someone:
1. O b:cc:að ( b:cc:aðø ), ED:r AaAað ! 'Hey boys, come here!'
m:lhar presupposes a
knowledge of the following tenses and moods of the verb:
v:h khaú g:I ?
Where did she go?
Aap: Vy:a krðøg:ð ?
What will you do?
hm: kb: em:l:ðø ?
When shall we meet?
( Aap: )
s:Øen:y:ð !
( t:Øm: ) y:h dðK:að !
See here!
Present habitual:
t:Øm: khaú rht:i hað ?
Where do you live?
Past habitual:
hm: ehndi b:aðl:t:ð T:ð.
We used to speak Hindi.
Present progressive:
m:òø el:K: rha hÜú.
I am writing.
Past progressive:
b:cc:ð g:a rhð T:ð.
The kids were singing.
Present perfect:
v:h Aaj: g:y:a hò.
He has gone today.
Past perfect:
b:s: dað b:j:ð AaI T:i.
The bus had come at two.
Remember that haðn:a can mean either 'to be' or 'to become'; 'to happen'. As 'to be' it has no progressive forms. Instead there are special stative forms:
Present stative:
v:ð m:ðrð daðst:
They are my friends.
Past stative:
us:ka n:am: Vy:a T:a ?
What was his name?
Stative haðn:a has habitual forms:
Subjects of such habitual statives are usually non-specific:
2. kñl:ð p:il:ð
haðt:ð hòø.
are yellow.'
In the perfect stative, the root hað-
of haðn:a is replaced by the
root rh- of rhn:a:
5. p:hl:ð Es:ka n:am: Vy:a
rha T:a ?
6. us:m:ðø Aaòr
m:ØJ:m:ðø hm:ðS:a b:hØt: frq rha hò.
English to Hindi translation exercise.
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Keyed in and posted 5 Sept 2001.
Present habitual:
y:haú kñ l:aðg: AcCð
haðt:ð hòø.
People here are nice.
Past habitual:
dÜD: s:st:a haðt:a T:a.
Milk used to be cheap.
3. y:h kñl:a l:al:
haðt:a hò.
'This (type of) banana is red.'
4. y:h kñl:a hra hò.
'This (particular) banana is
'What had been the name of this
'There has always been a lot of
difference between him and me.'