Authors | Topics | Forthcoming
Anonymous. Attention! To Every American Dentist (Current News excerpt). Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12(4) Dec. 1917:524-530.
Anonymous. Current news. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 11(1) Mar. 1916:166-168.
Anonymous. Current News. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 11(4) Dec. 1916:733-736.
Anonymous. Current News [excerpt]. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12(3) Sep. 1917:424.
Anonymous. The Drafted Dentist [editorial]. Bur 23(2) 1918:58-59.
Anonymous. Lodge Amendment to House Bill 4897 (from Our Army Our Navy). Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12(3) Sep. 1917:409-421.
Anonymous. New Legislation Effecting the Army Dental Corps. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 11(2) 1916:370.
Anonymous. Notices. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 11(1) Mar. 1916:177-183.
Anonymous. Notices. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 11(4) Dec. 1916:750-757.
Anonymous. Our Army, Our Navy. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12(2) June 1917:288-293.
Anonymous. Our Duty Today. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12(2) June 1917:268-272.
Anonymous. War and Dental Service [editorial]. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 11(1) Mar. 1916:150-155.
Anonymous. War Expense and Liberty Bonds. Bur 23(3) 1918:62.
AMA. From an M. R. C. Officer in France. Bur 23(2) 1918:34-38.
Barrett L. Our Army and Navy. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12(4) 1917:515-523.
Kazanjian VH. Immediate Treatment of Gunshot Fractures of the Jaws. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12I(1) Mar. 1917:29-48.
Leslie SH. Dental Service in the Army. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 11(2) June 1916:238-241.
Morris CH. Dental Conditions in the Navy. Journal of the Allied Dental Societies 12(4) Dec. 1917:476-480.
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