is for Zera
These pages were jointly developed by Zera Anderson and P. F. Anderson. Zera
determined content and designed much of the original artwork. Zera's mother,
Pat, did all the HTML and designed much of the computer generated artwork,
as well as the general layout, to meet Zera's exacting specifications.
Specifically, Pat designed most of the background GIFs and related generic
artwork. Credits for other sources follow.
- The marbled navy blue bar used as a rule on many pages was found at:
Original source unknown.
- The background gif of the man's back was originally a drawing by DaVinci (who,
with Michelangelo and Ed Paschke, is one of Zera's favorite artists) which was
"solarized." The original source of the image scan was from the Columbia University
Health Science Library,
- The background bar with a celtic flavor used as a background gif on some pages
originated with shareware clipart from an anonymous donor which is currently
stored at the Ceolas archives,,
but with substantial modification by Pat.
- The large letter "Z" used on the homepage
is simply the letter "Z" from the font Kramer, which is available from many
shareware archives. It is a wonderful font, and I urge people using it to register
formally. I have found it quite useful.
All other content and images are from Zera unless otherwise identified.
Copyright 1997, P. F. Anderson & Zera Anderson.
Last modified November 15, 1997.
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