1 exp Tooth demineralization/ 22511 INCLUDES: Dental Caries/ Dental Fissures/ Root Caries/ 2 demineralization.mp. 1602 3 caries.mp. 15173 COMMENT: If truncated to "carie:".mp., it retrieves 15168. #3 INCLUDES: dental caries caries missing due to caries incipient caries caries lesion caries lesions precavitated caries early caries advanced caries caries in dentin dentinal caries 4 caires.mp. 1 5 craies.mp. 0 6 careis.mp. 4 COMMENT #3-5: Misspellings of "caries". 7 "tooth cavit:".mp. 33 8 "teeth cavit:".mp. 42 9 "dental cavit:".mp. 6002 COMMENT: I did not use "cavities" unmodified by anatomical area because of the huge quantities of irrelevant material it was retrieving. This was also true of the use of "Oral Cavity." #7-9 INCLUDES: dental cavities dental cavity dental cavit tooth cavity tooth cavities teeth cavity teeth cavities 10 "tooth decay:".mp. 235 11 "teeth decay:".mp. 11 #10-11 INCLUDES: tooth decay decayed teeth COMMENT: Does not include "decay" unmodified by anatomical area for the same reason as with "cavity". 12 "active decay".mp. 9 13 "white spots".mp. 186 14 "enamel decay".mp. 3 15 "rampant decay".mp. 5 16 carious.mp. 2060 #16 INCLUDES: carious lesion carious lesions precavitated carious lesions 17 "non-cavitated lesion:".mp. 3 18 "noncavitated lesion:".mp. 1 #17-18 INCLUDES: non-cavitated lesion non-cavitated lesions noncavitated lesion non-cavitated lesions 19 "precavitat:".mp. 6 #19 INCLUDES: precavitated caries precavitated carious lesions precavitation precavitated lesion precavitated lesions precavitated decay 20 Tooth remineralization/ 469 21 "dental fissure:".mp. 283 22 "tooth fissure:".mp. 12 23 "teeth fissure:".mp. 10 24 "oral fissure:".mp. 6 #21-24 INCLUDES: dental fissure dental fissures tooth fissure tooth fissures teeth fissure teeth fissures oral fissure oral fissures 25 "cariesfree".mp. 17 26 "caries-free".mp. 593 27 "cariogenic:".mp. 1777 #27 INCLUDES: cariogenic cariogenics cariogenicity 28 Cariogenic agents/ 728 29 "filled teeth".mp. 261 30 "filled tooth".mp. 59 31 dft.mp. 406 32 dfs.mp. 1235 33 dmf:.mp. 6340 INCLUDES: dmf DMF dmft DMFT DMFS 34 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 35774 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33
Date last modified: July 11, 2000.
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