P. F. (Pat) Anderson

Hedges (Cut and Paste)

NOTES: These hedges were designed for the use of the researchers involved in the NIDCR Caries Consensus Development Conference, 2000-2001, and are designed for use with the OVID search interface for MEDLINE. They may be adapted for use with other search interfaces, but may require substantial modification to work as intended. The hedges are presented in two fashions: one, shown line-by-line as originally entered, and two, as lines of text intended to be highlighted, then cut and pasted into the search window. Please note that there are platform-dependent differences when pasting into the OVID search window. On the Macintosh, a paste seems to automatically truncate at a certain point. For that reason, the hedges are presented in both PC and MAC formats. With the latter, the longer hedges have been broken into sections short enough to work on the Macintosh. This means you may need to enter multiple search statements and combine them. If unsure about this, please refer to the line-by-line example for clarification.

Caries Hedge

Disease-Focused Version:
Line-By-Line | Cut-N-Paste

More Inclusive Version:
Line-By-Line | Cut-N-Paste | Annotated

1  exp Tooth demineralization/	                                        22524
2  demineralization.mp.	                                                 1607
3  caries.mp.                                                           15186
4  caires.mp.                                                               1
5  craies.mp.                                                               0
6  careis.mp.                                                               4
7  carise.mp.                                                               0
8  (teeth adj3 cavit:).mp.                                                420
9  (tooth adj3 cavit:).mp.                                                216
10 (dental adj3 cavit:).mp.                                               275
11 (dentin adj3 cavit:).mp.                                               251
12 (enamel adj3 cavit:).mp.                                               180
13 (teeth adj3 decay:).mp.                                                367
14 (tooth adj3 decay:).mp.                                                319
15 (dental adj3 decay:).mp.                                               246
16 (dentin adj3 decay:).mp.                                                12
17 (enamel adj3 decay:).mp.                                                20
18 (active adj decay).mp.                                                   9
19 (rampant adj3 decay:).mp.                                               14
20 (recurrent adj3 decay:).mp.                                             30
21 (white adj spot:).mp.                                                  504
22 carious.mp.                                                           2063
23 cariology.ti,ab.                                                        56
24 (non-cavitated adj3 lesion:).mp.                                        15
25 (noncavitated adj3 lesion:).mp.                                          2
26 Tooth remineralization/                                                469
27 (tooth adj3 remineralization).mp.                                       21
28 (teeth adj3 remineralization).mp.                                       20
29 (dental adj3 fissure:).mp.                                              98
30 (tooth adj3 fissure:).mp.                                               50
31 (teeth adj3 fissure:).mp.                                               97
32 (oral adj fissure:).mp.                                                  6
33 caries-free.mp.                                                        596
34 cariesfree.mp.                                                          17
35 Cariogenic agents/                                                     728
36 precavit:.mp.                                                            8
37 (filled adj3 teeth).mp.                                                505
38 (filled adj3 tooth).mp.                                                115
39 cariogenic:.mp.                                                       1777
40 dft.mp.                                                                406
41 dfs.mp.                                                               1235
42 dmf:.mp.                                                              6340
43 or/1-39                                                              32060
Caries Hedge(Disease-Focused Version): Cut-N-Paste

NOTE: Highlight text to cut and paste. If you have any problems, try FIRST pasting into a text editor, such as WordPad on the PCs, BBEdit or Stickies on the Mac. Then correct for missing spaces, cut and paste again from the text editor into your OVID search window.

PC version

exp Tooth demineralization/ or Cariogenic agents/ or Tooth remineralization/ or cariogenic:.mp. or (caries-free or cariesfree).mp. or precavit:.mp. or demineralization.mp. or (caries or caires or craies or careis or carise).mp. or carious.mp. or cariology.ti,ab. or ((teeth or tooth or dental or dentin or enamel) adj3 cavit:).mp. or ((teeth or tooth or dental or dentin or enamel or rampant or recurrent) adj3 decay:).mp. or ((active adj decay) or (white adj spot:)).mp. or ((non-cavitated or noncavitated) adj3 lesion:).mp. or ((tooth or teeth) adj3 remineralization).mp. or ((dental or tooth or teeth) adj3 fissure:).mp. or ((tooth or teeth) adj3 fissure:).mp. or ((teeth adj3 fissure:) or (oral adj fissure:)).mp. or (filled adj3 (teeth or tooth)).mp. or (dft or dfs or dmf:).mp. 6340

Mac version (Enter as five search statements, then combine. Hint: Use "or" to combine.)

(exp Tooth demineralization/) or Cariogenic agents/ or Tooth remineralization/ or cariogenic:.mp. or (caries-free or cariesfree).mp. or precavit:.mp.

(caries or caires or craies or careis or carise).mp. or carious.mp. or cariology.ti,ab. or ((teeth or tooth or dental or dentin or enamel) adj3 cavit:).mp.

((teeth or tooth or dental or dentin or enamel or rampant or recurrent) adj3 decay:).mp. or ((active adj decay) or (white adj spot:)).mp. or (dft or dfs or dmf:).mp

((non-cavitated or noncavitated) adj3 lesion:).mp. or ((tooth or teeth) adj3 remineralization).mp. or ((dental or tooth or teeth) adj3 fissure:).mp.

((tooth or teeth) adj3 fissure:).mp. or ((teeth adj3 fissure:) or (oral adj fissure:)).mp. or (filled adj3 (teeth or tooth)).mp. or demineralization.mp.

Caries Hedge (More Inclusive Version): Line-By-Line

1     exp Tooth demineralization/                                       22511
2     demineralization.mp.                                               1602
3     caries.mp.                                                        15173
4     caires.mp.                                                            1
5     craies.mp.                                                            0
6     careis.mp.                                                            4
7     carise.mp.                                                            0
8     "tooth cavit:".mp.                                                   33
9     "teeth cavit:".mp.                                                   42
10    "dental cavit:".mp.                                                6002
11    "dentin cavit:".mp.                                                  98
12    "enamel cavit:".mp.                                                  28
13    "tooth decay:".mp.                                                  235
14    "teeth decay:".mp.                                                   11
15    "dentin decay:".mp.                                                   2
16    "active decay".mp.                                                    9
17    "dental decay:".mp.                                                 202
18    "white spot:".mp.                                                   504
19    "enamel decay".mp.                                                    3
20    "rampant decay".mp.                                                   5
21    "recurrent decay".mp.                                                25
22    carious.mp.                                                        2060
23    "non-cavitated lesion:".mp.                                           3
24    "noncavitated lesion:".mp.                                            1
25    Tooth remineralization/                                             469
26    "dental fissure:".mp.                                               283
27    "tooth fissure:".mp.                                                 12
28    "teeth fissure:".mp.                                                 10
29    "oral fissure:".mp.                                                   6
30    "cariesfree".mp.                                                     17
31    "caries-free".mp.                                                   593
32    "cariogenic:".mp.                                                  1777
33    Cariogenic agents/                                                  728
34    "filled teeth".mp.                                                  261
35    "filled tooth".mp.                                                   59
36    precavit:.mp.                                                         8
37    cariology.ti,ab.                                                     56
38    "tooth remineraliz:".mp.                                            470
39    "teeth remineraliz:".mp.                                              2
40    dft.mp.                                                             406
41    dfs.mp.	                                                         1235
42    dmf:.mp.                                                           6340
43    or/1-42                                                           36120 

Caries Hedge (More Inclusive Version): Cut-N-Paste

NOTE: Highlight text to cut and paste. If you have any problems, try FIRST pasting into a text editor, such as WordPad on the PCs, BBEdit or Stickies on the Mac. Then correct for missing spaces, cut and paste again from the text editor into your OVID search window.

PC version

exp Tooth demineralization/ or demineralization.mp. or caries.mp. or caires.mp. or craies.mp. or careis.mp. or "tooth cavit:".mp. or "teeth cavit:".mp.or "dental cavit:".mp. or "tooth decay:".mp. or "teeth decay:".mp. or "active decay".mp. or "white spots".mp. or "enamel decay".mp. or "rampant decay".mp. or carious.mp. or "non-cavitated lesion:".mp. or "noncavitated lesion:".mp. or "precavitat:".mp. or Tooth remineralization/ or "dental fissure:".mp. or "tooth fissure:".mp. or "teeth fissure:".mp. or "oral fissure:".mp. or "cariesfree".mp. or "caries-free".mp. or "cariogenic:".mp. or Cariogenic agents/ or "filled teeth".mp. or "filled tooth".mp. or dft.mp. or dfs.mp. or dmf:.mp.

Mac version (Enter as four search statements, then combine. Hint: Use "or" to combine.)

exp Tooth demineralization/ or demineralization.mp. or caries.mp. or caires.mp. or craies.mp. or careis.mp. or "tooth cavit:".mp. or "teeth cavit:".mp.or "dental cavit:".mp. or "tooth decay:".mp.

"teeth decay:".mp. or "active decay".mp. or "white spots".mp. or "enamel decay".mp. or "rampant decay".mp. or carious.mp. or "non-cavitated lesion:".mp. or "noncavitated lesion:".mp.

"precavitat:".mp. or Tooth remineralization/ or "dental fissure:".mp. or "tooth fissure:".mp. or "teeth fissure:".mp. or "oral fissure:".mp. or "cariesfree".mp. or "caries-free".mp.

"cariogenic:".mp. or Cariogenic agents/ or "filled teeth".mp. or "filled tooth".mp. or dft.mp. or dfs.mp. or dmf:.mp.


Line-By-Line | Cut-N-Paste

Fluoride Hedge: Line-By-Line

1     exp Fluorides/                                                    17677
2     fluoride:.mp.                                                     26202
3     fluoro:.mp.                                                       80665
4     perfluoro:.mp.                                                     2242
5     fluorine:.mp.                                                      7851
6     exp Fluorine compounds/                                           18132
7     Fluorine/                                                          4111
8     exp Fluorides, topical/                                            6687
9     aminfluoride.mp.                                                      5
10    aminofluoride.mp.                                                    16
11    1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10                  109219
Fluoride Hedge: Cut-N-Paste

NOTE: Highlight text to cut and paste. If you have any problems, try FIRST pasting into a text editor, such as WordPad on the PCs, BBEdit or Stickies on the Mac. Then correct for missing spaces, cut and paste again from the text editor into your OVID search window.

PC *or* Mac version

exp Fluorides/ or exp Fluorine compounds/ or exp Fluorides, topical/ or Fluorine/ or fluoride:.mp. or fluoro:.mp. or perfluoro:.mp. or fluorine:.mp. or aminfluoride.mp. or aminofluoride.mp.

Not North America

Line-By-Line | Cut-N-Paste

Not North America Hedge: Line-By-Line

1    [search set]
2     exp africa/ or exp antarctic regions/ or exp arctic              763614
      regions/ or exp asia/ or exp atlantic islands/ or exp       
      australia/ or exp europe/ or exp indian ocean islands/ or   
      exp pacific islands/                                        
3     exp caribbean region/ or exp central america/ or exp latin        46945
      america/ or exp south america/                              
4     2 or 3                                                           804976
5     1 not 4                                                             113

Not North America Hedge: Cut-N-Paste

NOTE: Highlight text to cut and paste. If you have any problems, try FIRST pasting into a text editor, such as WordPad on the PCs, BBEdit or Stickies on the Mac. Then correct for missing spaces, cut and paste again from the text editor into your OVID search window. Please note in the example above the use of the "not" command, to exclude the "not North American" set from the final search results.

PC version

exp africa/ or exp antarctic regions/ or exp arctic regions/ or exp asia/ or exp atlantic islands/ or exp australia/ or exp europe/ or exp indian ocean islands/ or exp pacific islands/ or exp caribbean region/ or exp central america/ or exp latin america/ or exp south america/

Mac version (Enter as two search statements, then combine as above. Hint: Use "or" to combine.)

exp africa/ or exp antarctic regions/ or exp arctic regions/ or exp asia/ or exp atlantic islands/ or exp australia/ or exp europe/ or exp indian ocean islands/ or exp pacific islands/

exp caribbean region/ or exp central america/ or exp latin america/ or exp south america/

Date last modified: July 21, 2000.
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