Middle English Compendium

The Middle English Compendium has been designed to offer easy access to and interconnectivity between three major Middle English electronic resources: an electronic version of the Middle English Dictionary, a HyperBibliography of Middle English prose and verse, based on the MED bibliographies, and an associated network of electronic resources, including a large collection of Middle English texts. Hypertext links offer quick connections between, e.g., an e-MED citation, bibliographical information about its source, and an electronic version of the source.
Note: What is presented here is a sample for demonstration purposes only.

 HyperBibliography of Middle English
 Middle English Dictionary
 Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse
 Related Resources
 About the Middle English Compendium (draft)
 Guide to Using this Resource
This project has been funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

HTI Main Page

Last updated May 7, 1997