Some things still to do


<FORM> <ORTH>h&amacr;re</ORTH> n. Also <ORTH>har(re</ORTH>, <ORTH>hair(e</ORTH>, <ORTH>-eir(e</ORTH>, (NWM) <ORTH>h)ere</ORTH> &amp; (early gen. sg.) <ORTH>hara(n</ORTH>. Cp. <ORTH>hur(e</ORTH> n.</FORM>

<ETYM>OE <HI REND="b">hara</HI>; forms <HI REND="b">here</HI>, <HI REND="b">ere</HI> perh. influenced by ON; cp. OI <HI REND="b">heri</HI>.</ETYM>

<SENSE N="1">

<DEF>(a) The common European hare (Lepus timidus); (b) <USG>cook.</USG> hare's meat used for food; (c) <USG>fig.</USG> a timid person; (d) the fur or pelt of a hare; <HI REND="b">~ werk</HI>, dressed hare skins; (e) <USG>astron.</USG> the southern constellation Lepus; (f) in proverbs and proverbial expressions.</DEF>

<SENSE N="2"> <DEF>(a) In cpds. and combs.: <HI REND="b">~ baiting</HI>, <HI REND="b">~ blod</HI>; <HI REND="b">hare(s grese</HI>, fat of a hare; (b) in names of plants: <HI REND="b">~ ere, hares ere(s</HI>, ?the common avens (Geum urbanum); <HI REND="b">haran-speccel</HI> [OE <HI REND="b">haran-sprecel</HI>], viper's bugloss (Echium vulgare); <HI REND="b">~ wort (cress)</HI>, garden cress (Lepidium sativum); (c) <HI REND="b">se ~, ~ of the se</HI>, a mollusk of the genus Tethys, a sea hare.</DEF>