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<E> <B>halibut(te</B> n. [From <B>hali</B> (var. of <B>holi</B>) & <B>but(te</B> n. (5). Prob. modeled after MDu. <B>heylbot</B>.] A large flatfish (<U>Hippo<EOL>-</EOL>glossus hippoglossus</U>), halibut; also, a halibut cooked and prepared as food [quot. <D>a1475</D>]. <D>1396</D> <U>Cust.Acc.33/29</U> [OD col.]: Halibut. <D>(1425)</D> <U>Doc.Brewer</U> in <U>Bk.Lond.E.</U>186/1442: Item, for halibut, ij s. viij d. <D>a1450</D> <U>Hrl.Cook.Bk.(1)</U> 60: Ha<EOL>-</EOL>lybutte. Plays fryid. <D>a1475</D> Russell <U>Bk.Nurt.</U> 584: Thornebak, thurle polle, hound fysch, halybut, to hym þat hathe heele. <D>?a1475</D> <U>Noble Bk.Cook.</U> 73: Chyne a halibut and sethe hym with water and salt.

{ENTRY}ha±li±but(te n. [From ha¯li¯ (var. of ho¯li¯) & but(te n. (5). Prob. modeled after MDu. heylbot.] A large flatfish (Hip#poglossus hippoglossus), halibut; also, a halibut cooked and prepared as food [quot. a1475. 1396 Cust.Acc.33/29 [OD col.]: Halibut. (1425) Doc.Brewer in Bk.Lond.E. 186/1442: Item, for halibut, ij s. viij d. a1450 Hrl.Cook.Bk.(1) 60: Ha#lybutte. Plays fryid. a1475 Russell Bk.Nurt. 584: Thornebak, thurle polle, hound fysch, halybut, to hym þat hathe heele. ?a1475 Noble Bk.Cook. 73: Chyne a halibut and sethe hym with water and salt.