Math on the Web [items with personal involvement or interest only]
Math Working Group
[1998-2016; co-chair July 1998 to May 2002; chair June 2002 - October 2003;
2003-2006 WG became an IG; co-chair 2006-2016]
at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
The Math Working Group was one of the oldest W3C Working Groups.
During its first period of activity (1996–2004), it created and
maintained versions 1 and 2 of MathML. During its second period
(2006–2016), it created, among other things, MathML version 3 and
saw it become an ISO standard.
MathML 3 (as ISO Standard ISO/IEC 40314:2016(en) Information technology
— Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition June 2016) [co-author & editor]
MathML 3 (W3C Recommendation October 2010) [co-author & editor]
MathML 2 (W3C Recommendation October 2003) [co-author & editor]