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Math on the Web [items with personal involvement or interest only]
Math Working Group [1998-2016; co-chair July 1998 to May 2002; chair June 2002 - October 2003; 2003-2006 WG became an IG; co-chair 2006-2016] at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
The Math Working Group was one of the oldest W3C Working Groups. During its first period of activity (1996–2004), it created and maintained versions 1 and 2 of MathML. During its second period (2006–2016), it created, among other things, MathML version 3 and saw it become an ISO standard.
MathML 3 (as ISO Standard ISO/IEC 40314:2016(en) Information technology
— Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition June 2016) [co-author & editor]
MathML 3 (W3C Recommendation October 2010) [co-author & editor]
MathML 2 (W3C Recommendation October 2003) [co-author & editor]
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 1.01 (W3C Recommendation July 1999) [co-author & editor]
XML Entity Definitions for Characters (W3C Recommendation April 2010) [co-author & editor]
A MathML for CSS Profile (W3C Recommendation June 2011) [co-author & editor]
W3C Note on Units in MathML (November 2003)
Some pointers to Information about Units
Math information sources (Sep. 2004)
Math on the Web at the AMS 1996-2014, at to present [site maintainer; recently not well]
MSC2010 Wiki (Mathematical Sciences Classification, MR and Zbl) [site and wiki maintainer]
MSC2010 in SKOS form (Mathematical Sciences Classification, MR and Zbl) [site and wiki maintainer]
Some tests of my own
Web Geometry
N-body orbits, especially choreographies (dates mainly from Feb. 2003)
Geometry and the Discrete Fourier Transform
Copy of article on AMS site (Nov 2011)
The ACM Electronic Publishing Plan of 1995
GLC NARGS [site maintainer]: Great Lakes Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society

Patrick  D. F. Ion                  NET :
Emeritus Associate Editor           TEL : (734)-769-2015
Mathematical Reviews                NOTA BENE: is defunct