One of Students for PIRGIM's main priorities is getting an official student chapter. When this happens we will be able to hire experts to research and advocate student issues as chosen by students. This will build student power and give us the necessary tools to solve the big problems we see threatening our environment, democracy and students' consumer rights. Also, by joining the thousands of students involved in the Student PIRGs at schools throughout the country, we can have a lasting national impact. The Student PIRGs currently have advocates working on hunger & homelessness, higher education, and environmental issues. An official Student PIRGIM chapter will be possible once the UM student body decides that it would like to support and fund one. We invite you to join us as we work towards regaining the student power that enabled us to get the Bottle Bill passed decades ago.
| Read MSA Proposal- Students for PIRGIM has made a proposal to the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) in order to get a pilot chapter for the 2005-2006 school year
Frequently Asked Questions- More information about a pilot chapter