Course info for 18.726 (Algebraic Geometry II) is available here.

We will primarily be following Ravi Vakil's notes Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, beginning around where 18.725 left off in the fall.

My current office hours: MW 3:30-4:30pm in 2-275. You are also welcome to e-mail with any questions or to schedule a meeting at another time.

NEW (April 17): an approximate schedule for the remainder of the semester and some information about the final paper. As always, you can e-mail me or come to office hours with any questions.

Problem sets will be posted here on some Thursdays (sometime betwen 1pm and 4pm) and will usually be due the following Thursday, in lecture or via e-mail (e-mail addresses are in the course info link above - please send to Dmitry and cc me, and have the subject line be "18.726 - Problem Set N").

Problem Set 1 (due Tuesday, February 26)

Problem Set 2 (due Thursday, March 7)

Problem Set 3 (due Thursday, March 21)

Problem Set 4 (due Thursday, April 4)

Problem Set 5 (due Thursday, April 18)

Problem Set 6 (due Thursday, May 2)

Problem Set 7 (not due - for your viewing pleasure only)

Reminder: the final paper is due May 16 (please e-mail it to me).