Recent Presentations


Knowing the dog you're running:  The metapragmatics of cooperative livestock herding. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado. Nov. 19, 2015.

Indexical authenticity and linguistic variation as evidenced in fictional television and film. 6th International Conference on Language in the Media. Hamuburg, Germany. Sept. 8, 2015

Talking Sense to the Dog: Ideologies of Interlocutors and the Boundaries of Language. SALSA XXIII. April 17, 2015.

“I think your going to like me”: Typographical & grammatical errors influence our assessment of the message & the writer (w/Julie Boland). New Ways of Analyzing Variation 43. Chicago, IL. Oct. 2104.

“Indexical Authenticity:  What Fictional Characters May Reveal about Sociolinguistic Variation.” University of Chicago, Linguistics Department. March 14, 2014.

“Language Variation and Our Students.”  Seminars on Diversity. University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Feb. 13, 2014

Southern authenticity: The case of Brenda Johnson on The Closer” (w/Hayley Heaton). New Ways of Analyzing Variation 42. Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 18, 2013.

“Succeeding in Graduate School.”  Panel on Graduate School.  Undergraduate Conference on Language Contact and Change.  University of Michigan, March 30, 2012.

“Sexuality: What’s Language Got to Do with It?”  Panel on Language, Gender and Sexuality.  Institute for Research on Women and Gender.  University of Michigan, Feb. 2, 2012

“Discourse Analysis and Sociolinguistics.”  Panel on Discourse Analysis.  Language and Rhetorical Studies Group.  University of Michigan. Jan. 13, 2012

Stance and secrets about sex.”  Georgetown Linguistics Roundtable: Discourse 2.0. Washington, D.C. March 12, 2011

“Managing academic conflict.”  Workshop on Graduate School.  Linguistic Society of America Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Jan. 2011.

Discussant for “Language and the Media” Sociolinguistics Symposium 18. Southampton, England, Sept. 2, 2010.

“The influence of syntactic gender on the conceptual knowledge of social gender in German” (w/Julie Boland). Sociolinguistics Symposium 18. Southampton, England, Sept. 2, 2010.

Discussant for “The ends of Prosody:  Ways of speaking as ideological means and ends”  American Anthropological Association. Philadelphia, PA. Dec. 4, 2009.

“What voicing non-human animals reveals about the social meaning of linguistic variation.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation 37. Houston, TX.  Nov. 8, 2008

“Cognitive Essentialism and language variation.”  Colloquium presentation.  University of Michigan. Oct. 31, 2008

“Women and the world of canine rescue.” (w. A. Markovits) Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.  Boston, Aug. 4, 2008

“What language variation reveals about social essentialism”  Keynote address.  Sociolinguistics Fest workshop.  University of Indiana.  Bloomington.  June 13, 2008.

“Why are hoomens so stupit”:  Blogging as a dog.  Sociolinguistics Symposium 17.  Amsterdam, Netherlands.  April 5, 2008.

“Bilingual language change:  Evidence from a longitudinal study of Turkish-German intonation patterns.”  International Bilingualism Symposium.  Hamburg, Germany.  June 1, 2007.

“Tracking language change in the intonation patterns of Turkish-German bilinguals in Germany.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation 34, NYU. October 24, 2005.

“Ideology, bilingualism and language contact:  Tracking language change among Turkish-German bilinguals.”  University of Michigan, Linguistics Dept. Colloquium. March 11, 2005.  Invited lecture

“Contact-related language change and variability in the intonation patterns of Turkish-German bilinguals.”  Berkeley Linguistic Society Annual Meeting (31).  Feb. 19, 2005.

“Intonation, contextualization and contact-related language change among Turkish-German bilinguals in Germany.”  Kennedy Institut, Freie Universität Berlin.  June 21, 2004. 

“Contextualization cues as evidence of language change.”  Sprachkolloquium.  Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.  June 8, 2004. 

“Language ideology and language use among Turkish-German bilinguals.”  Turkish Studies Colloquium.  University of Michigan. Jan 22, 2004.

Co-organizer of “Language and Gender:  The state of the art.”  Panel sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women in Linguistics.  Linguistic Society of America. Boston, MA, Jan 8-10, 2004. 

“Tha’s await is(t) in Ordnung:  Dubbing African-American English into German.”  New Ways of Analyzing Variation.  Philadelphia, PA. Oct. 11, 2003.