Completed Dissertations I was involved with
Completed Dissertations I was involved with
Lauren Squires. (w/J.Boland) Sociolinguistic Perception and Syntactic Variation. Defended, May 2011.
Brook Hefright. Language contact and ideology among the Bai. Defended, April 2011
Sai Samant. Adolescents and the Northern Cities Vowel Shift. Defended, Dec. 2010
Vera Eremeeva: More than just ethnic. Negotiation of ethnicity through language among Russian German re-settlers and Jewish refugees from the former Soviety Union. University of Michigan, Joint PhD in German and Linguistics. Defended, Dec. 2008
Lisa Del Torto. Ci arrangiamo: The realities of shift-maintenance negotiation in an Italian-Canadian community . Defended, August 2008
Rizwan Ahmad. The sociolinguistics of Hindi and Urdu. Defended, August 2007
Jennifer Nguyen (with L. Milroy): Class, language change and African-American English: A longitudinal variationist account . University of Michigan, Linguistics. Dec. 2005.
Erik Schleef: Tag questions in German and American English Academic Discourse. University of Michigan, Joint PhD in German and Linguistics. Defended Aug. 2005
Committee Member
Sarah Swofford. The Effect of Language Ideology on Southern, Rural Students Transition to Higher Education. University of Michigan, English and Education Defended, April 2015.
Selin Gulgoz. Gender typicality among low SES urban Turks. University of Michigan, Psychology. Defended, February 2015.
Jennifer Hall. Language variation in Morocco. University of Michigan, Anthropology. Defended, Dec. 2014
Erika Alpert. Matchmakers and the Construction of Gender in Japan. University of Michigan, Anthropology. Defended, April 3, 2014.
Erica Beck. Acquisition and perception of dialect. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended, September 2013
Joseph Tyler. Prosody and Discourse Structure. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended, April 2012.
Kevin McGowan. The phonetics of social bias. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended, August 2011.
Susan Lin. Effects of prosodic structure on relative timing of speech gestures. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended, May 2011.
Claire Insel. Hünsrückish: German in Brazil. University of Michigan, Anthropology. Defended, Jan 2011.
Chris Odato. The acquisition and perception of discourse marking ‘like’ in young children. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended, August 2010
Taryn Hakala. Curious Renderings: Oral and Written Dialect in Victorian Narrative. University of Michigan, English Dept. Defended, July 2010
Anna Babel. Language contact and register variation in Bolivia. University of Michigan, Linguistics and Anthropology. Defended, April 2010
Adile de Leon. German-Turkish film and Literature. University of Michigan, German Studies. Defended, Sept. 2009
Medha Tare. Metapragmatic awareness in young bilinguals. University of Michigan. Psychology. Defended, August 2008
Katherine Chen: Code-switching in Hong Kong. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended, Dec. 2007
Wilfredo Valentin-Marquez: Spanish-English bilingualism in two Puerto Rican communities. University of Michigan, Linguistics and Romance Languages and Literatures. Defended July 2007
Deanna Davidson: Language and Political Participation in the former East Germany. University of Michigan, Anthropology. Defended, Feb. 2007
Mark Sicoli: Prosody and language maintenance and shift. University of Michigan, Linguistics and Anthropology. Defended, April 2006
Ashley Williams: Chinese-English bilingualism. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended May 2005
Dushy Mendis: Metaphor in Academic Discourse. University of Michigan, Linguistics, Defended Dec. 2003
Marc Pierce: Syllables and Siever’s Law in Scandanavian and Old Norse. University of Michigan, Germanic Linguistics, Defended December 2001.
Ruth Goetz: Code-switching among the Dai. University of Michigan, Linguistics, Defended May 2001
Amanda Doran: Language use and identity in a bilingual community: Mexican American English prosody. University of Texas at Austin, Linguistics. Defended April, 2001.
Ana Osterman: “Yes, you did a stupid thing”: Gender and Institutional Discourse. University of Michigan, Linguistics. Defended Sept., 2000
Bruce Spencer: Language shift and standardization in Early Modern German. University of Michigan, Germanic Linguistics. Defended May, 2000
Esim Erdim: Translating Turkish novels into English: Issues of language and poetics. Kent State University, English. 1999