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The BOFH Questionnaire: How Geeky Are You?Published Tuesday 15th October 2002 14:51 GMT
Episode 21 BOFH 2002: Episode 21 ![]() Just how geeky have you become? Sure, you say you're connected with the real world, but what proof have you got that you're not turning into a closet case furry tooth with full on pocket protector, thick rimmed glasses, and even worse, an autographed photo of Bill Gates by your bedside? Take this simple household test to see how you may have drifted in your thinking, and whether it's too late to save yourself and those around you... 1. The only interview method to be universally outlawed by the Geneva Convention is: A. Physical Torture
2. You're locked in a room with Richard Stallman and Bill Gates and have only a gun with two bullets in it (which you normally secrete on your person in case you ever get locked in a room with Richard Stallman, Bill Gates, etc). They both clear their throats to speak. What do you do? A. Shoot Bill, hoping he hasn't got a tablet device (or the XP Security Vulnerability notes) crammed up his blazer
3. You meet someone nice at the pub and immediately ask them to tell you: A. Their Star Sign
4. Speaking of IRC Handles, your handle is based around: A. Your name and a number
5. A new machine arrives at work and is delivered to the recipients office before you can get a good look at it. You: A. Ignore it as you're bound to see another one sometime
6. The LEAST believable thing about the movie THE NET was: A. That they could trace a cellphone that accurately
7. Your email is going to be down for two days while the server is replaced so you: A. Bulkmail everyone in your entire address book warning them about it in case they choose those day to email you
8. Your favourite joke ends: A. "..have you got any paper?"
9. Inside your wallet, in front of the condom that expired three years after you bought it (which in turn was three years before now), you have a picture of: A. Yourself, in case you ever need ID
10. Some ridiculously contrived situation occurs in which you're dying - or something - and you have to give your last words. No, bugger it, you have to give the epitaph for your tombstone. Don't ask why, it's my bloody questionnaire! What is your epitaph? A. "Live long and Prosper"
11. You're doing a questionnaire about how geeky you are, when you finally realise: A. It's Lunchtime
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