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E-mail exchange announcing — all4one.searchallinone.com

One day, I received some e-mail announcing a new search engine, "http://all4one.searchallinone.com/." Since the e-mail was directed to me, and was considerate enough to obey my rules regarding e-mail, I decided to include it in my list.

Since my pages can now be found by Google and other search engines, I feel I need to post this note about how this came to be here. I'm afraid I know nothing more about this site than they were able to convince me to add them to my list.

Note: The headers for this e-mail have been redacted to (somewhat) protect the internals of the organization I work for. This is somewhat akin to closing the shades on a window. It does not insure privacy or protection, but is a clear request to respect that privacy.

BTW: One small correction: My US-Mail address is no longer on Plymouth Road. It is now:

Merit Network, Inc.
1000 Oakbrook Drive
Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

2005-May-02, Monday

Return-Path: rsc
Delivery-Date: Mon May  2 08:57:54 2005
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Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 09:13:46 -0700
Message-Id: <200505021613.j42GDkcm004109@searchallinone.com>
From: AllinOne Webmaster 
Subject: Re: search page (resending)
Content-Type: text/plain
Sender: apache@searchallinone.com

First let me apologize for my blank email yesterday!  Here is the email I was trying to send you.

>I noticed your search related info on your page http://www.merit.edu/~rsc/Resources  I was hoping you 
>would consider mentioning our search engine too.  It has been gaining a lot 
>of popularity lately.  I think our new "grouping" feature makes finding 
>what you want VERY easy.  I was hoping you might try it and if you like it 
>you might mention our search engine on your site too.  Our search engine is 
>at http://all4one.searchallinone.com
>BTW We just added free listings at the top of our results for websites 
>who put our search on their site.  The bad news is that because it is new 
>there could be a bug or two (although we tested it well).  The good news is 
>that you can get your listing right at the TOP of our search engine :-) for 
>free.  Your feedback would be very valuable (good or bad).
>If you are interested you can add your site here 
>PS. Please drop me a note and let me know what you think. :-)
>Thanks in Advance, James

2005-May-02, Monday (reply)

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	Mon, 2 May 2005 11:09:33 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <200505021509.LAA22629@#host5#.merit.edu>
To: AllinOne Webmaster 
Cc: rsc@merit.edu, rsc@merit.edu
Subject: Re: search page (resending) 
In-reply-to: <200505021613.j42GDkcm004109@searchallinone.com> 
References: <200505021613.j42GDkcm004109@searchallinone.com>
Comments: In-reply-to AllinOne Webmaster 
   message dated "Mon, 02 May 2005 09:13:46 -0700."
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Mon, 02 May 2005 11:09:33 -0400
From: "Richard S. Conto" 

I must say that "http://www.merit.edu/~rsc/Resources/" is just a
personal, although not quite private, list of bookmarks and the like,
organized somewhat like my garage.  Moreover, the purpose is also
rather similar, and I'm not seeking a wider audience for it.  I suppose
I should post clearer disclaimers on my pages (see 
http://www.merit.edu/~rsc/disclaimer.html for what I have already.)

Since I use multiple computers, browsers, operating systems, and
filesystems, I find keeping bookmarks like this more effective.
(Besides, I've had browser failures and upgrades loose all my bookmarks,
so I've become extremely conservative about that sort of thing.)

I did try "http://all4one.searchallinone.com".  I like the "grouping"
feature, although some noise around the keywords seemed to confuse it.
(Try a search for "michigan terminal system", and you'll see in the list
of groups one for "michigan terminal system" and another for
"michigan terminal system]".  The "]" is clearly noise.)

However, before that, inspired by "http://watleyreview.com/2005/042605-4.html",
I tried "cheese computers" and got a server error.  

I would appreciate knowing who I am communicating with.  James at SearchAllInOne
is rather skimpy, and "webmaster@searchallinone.com" is anonymous.

> originally from: AllinOne Webmaster 
> subject: Re: search page (resending)
> date: Mon, 02 May 2005 09:13:46 -0700
> --------
>First let me apologize for my blank email yesterday!  Here is the email I was trying to send you.
>>I noticed your search related info on your page http://www.merit.edu/~rsc/Resources  I was hoping you 
>>would consider mentioning our search engine too.  It has been gaining a lot 
>>of popularity lately.  I think our new "grouping" feature makes finding 
>>what you want VERY easy.  I was hoping you might try it and if you like it 
>>you might mention our search engine on your site too.  Our search engine is 
>>at http://all4one.searchallinone.com
>>BTW We just added free listings at the top of our results for websites 
>>who put our search on their site.  The bad news is that because it is new 
>>there could be a bug or two (although we tested it well).  The good news is 
>>that you can get your listing right at the TOP of our search engine :-) for 
>>free.  Your feedback would be very valuable (good or bad).
>>If you are interested you can add your site here 
>>PS. Please drop me a note and let me know what you think. :-)
>>Thanks in Advance, James

    Richard Conto
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Merit Network, Inc.		http://www.merit.edu
    4251 Plymouth Rd.		phone: 734-764-9430
    Building 1, Suite 2000	fax:   734-647-3185
    Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2785

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