Tower, Valley, Novak, Kasson, Bright and Kasben roads


Kasben road is one of my top three most beautiful roads in the county. Valley road has a great hill to climb if you travel from east to west from its intersection with Kasben and Novak. Use Novak to cut over to LCR616 it is short but steep either way you ride it.

Tower road is probably the steepest road in Leelanau County. See for yourself; head south on Tower road off of LCR616 and you will be climbing straight up almost immediately. Once you reach the top glide down to the intersection of Tower and Valley road. From there Tower is a rolling beauty until it reaches Kasson road. Kasson and Bright roads both have rolling terrain and Kasson has a huge hill on its eastern end. It is a very challenging climb ridden from LCR651 west.