Status of HIV/AIDS:
Epidemiology and Treatment

As representative of most European trends regarding HIV/AIDS, France’s number of AIDS death is on the decline since the start of the epidemic. Health officials have reported a 25% decrease in reported deaths in 1996 as compared to the year before. In addition, the number of new AIDS cases also decreased with 5486 cases in 1995 to 4847 cases in 1996. Preliminary statistics indicate a continuing decrease in 1997 with 1458 cases as of June. The promising changes have been attributed to effective drug therapies and improved prevention and education programs.

Approaches to the prevention and education of the population are similar to that of other Western nations. In addition, the treatment and healing of HIV/AIDS has primarily remained in the realms of biomedicine. Frequent clinical trials are conducted in the nation that is home to the European Center on AIDS. France's AIDS epidemic has attracted attention for the growing concern regarding their migrant population as well as their cohesive gay community.

European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS
Spatial Analysis of the AIDS epidemic in France

The Gay Community:

One risk group of prominence has been among the gay population where prevention efforts have been supported by many community based organizations. Efforts have been made within gay businesses such as bars, clubs, bath houses, sex shops, and erotic movie theaters. An estimated 40% of gay and bisexual men go to businesses where safe sex messages have been imperative. As in the U.S., there is a accessible gay/lesbian support community with numerous resources emphasizing HIV/AIDS education.

Act-UP Paris
La France Gaie et Lesbienne: the France Queer Resources Directory

Prevention & Education:

Initial governmental efforts targeted the prevention and education of intravenous drug users from the earliest cases of AIDS in France from 1984. However, despite the attention given to IDUs, health authorities have not been successful in reducing the number of AIDS cases in this risk population. IDU-AIDS cases increased from 20.8% in 1988 to 26.5% in 1991.

Separation between HIV-positive women and their children
Risk Factors for Prison Entrants
France pays AIDS victims
Migrants Against HIV/AIDS
Sexual behaviour and HIV epidemiology: comparative analysis in France and Britain
Reporting Delay of AIDS

Treatment & Healing:

French HIV treatment directory
Drug Resistance
Therapeutic Trials
Medical Cost of HIV infection in France
Doctor Refusing AIDS abortion


Care for People with HIV
Home Intensive Care
Toit du Monde: A Humanitarian Medical Association

Community Based Organizations:

Organizations and Associations: comprehensive list for all populations
HIVNet Paris
France-Poland and Community Based Organizations

European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS
14 rue du Val d'Osne
94415 Saint-Maurice cedex France