AGFSHAPE.TXT (8/12/96)
1. AGFSHAPE.EXE is a DOS program that converts an Atlas Geo file (AGF)
into an ESRI shapefile. The general procedure is to determine which
layer of the Atlas Geo file to translate and then convert that particular
layer to an ESRI shapefile. Unlike Atlas Geo files, ESRI shapefiles
contain only one layer of spatial information.
2. Although you can convert an Atlas Geo file that is in any projection,
we recommend that you always put the Atlas Geo file into the
Latitude/Longitude projection first. Within Atlas GIS for Windows, go to
the Map pull down menu, select Change Projection and then LL. When the
Atlas Geo file is in Latitude/Longitude, the shapefile coordinates will be
written in decimal degrees. Decimal degrees are preferred for ESRI
shapefiles since ArcView can project them to other projections on the fly.
As a result, shapefiles are generally stored in decimal degrees.
3. Within AGFSHAPE, there are two methods to view the layer information of
an Atlas Geo file. One method writes the information to the screen while
the other writes the information to a text file.
Command Usage: AGFSHAPE [agf_file] {output_file}
[agf_file] The name of the ATLAS Geo file that you want to
convert. You must have both an AGF and AIF file.
Do not include the suffix.
{output_file} Specifying an output file is optional. If you
specify an output file, the layer information will
be written as a text file. Otherwise, the layer
information will appear on the screen. Specify
the TXT suffix.
Example Results:
Layer# Name Type Count
0 Countries Region 238
1 PotentialCntrys Region 8
2 Grid Line 56
3 Capitals Point 196
4 Cities Point 1579
&REM NAD-27 Latitude/Longitude, Scalar in Degrees of Latitude
Note that there are 5 layers in this AGF file. They are
numbered 0-4. The layer description, type and count of features
are also included.
4. Once you know the layer number that you wish to convert, execute the
conversion command.
Command Usage: AGFSHAPE [agf_file] [layer_number/layer_name] [shape_file]
[agf_file] The name of the ATLAS Geo file that you want to
convert. You must have both an AGF and AIF file.
Do not include the suffix.
The layer number or name on the AGF file to convert.
Layer numbers range from 0-255. Layer names are case
insensitive (ROADS is the same as RoAdS)
[shape_file] The name of the shapefile to create.
Do not include the suffix.
This command creates four files with the following suffixes:
.shp - stores the feature geometry
.shx - stores the index of the feature geometry
.dbf - dBASE file that stores the feature attribute information
.prj - ARC/INFO projection file (PRJ)
1. The first three files in the list above (.shp, .shx, .dbf) make up a
shapefile and should always be stored in the same directory. The ARC/INFO
projection file (.prj) is not used by ArcView. For more information on all
the files that can be part of a shapefile, see the ArcView on-line help.
2. The projection information of the AGF file is written to an ARC/INFO
projection file (PRJ) for most projections. There are a few exceptions
(GKn, IGNxxx, LLPARIS, OSGB, and OSNI). The PRJ file will have the same
name as the shapefile (i.e. XXX.PRJ) If ARC/INFO users later convert the
shapefile to a coverage, they should copy the PRJ file into the coverage
directory as PRJ so the coverage will have the correct projection
3. When creating a shapefile, the resultant DBF file will have the
following items:
ID_ The ID of the feature.
NAME1_ The primary name of the feature.
NAME2_ The secondary name of the feature.
For line and region layers.
PARTS_ The number of lines or polygons that make up the feature.
POINTS_ The number of points in the feature.
LENGTH_ The length of the line or perimeter of the polygon.
For region layers.
AREA_ The area of the polygon.
* Technical Support *
1. In the United States, telephone support for Atlas Geo file
translators is available from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific standard
time Monday through Friday by dialing (909) 793-3774. For users who
don't wish to call in, or can't reach Technical Support during our
normal operating hours, fax and E-mail support is available 24 hours a
day (faxes and E-mail received after 6:00 p.m. are handled the next
business day). Fax us at (909) 792-0960. Send E-mail to
2. Users outside the United States should contact their International
Distributor for information about operating hours, telephone, fax, and
E-mail support in their country.
3. For additional support, discussion, and tips, try a few of our
24 Hour Support Services available on the Internet. (For details go to
- Atlas Discussion Forum
- ArcView Discussion Forum
- ArcView-L