solar system is composed of nine planets that orbit one star, the Sun.
The Sun is the center of our solar system and provides the light and warmth
we see and feel every day. Each planet in our solar system is a different
distance from the Sun and has its own unique features. To our knowledge,
life exists on only one planet in our solar system -
What do you think makes Earth
unique so that life only exists here?
Some planets in our solar system are
closer to the Sun than others. This is because they have different
orbits. An orbit is a path a planet travels around the Sun that looks
like a circle or ellipse. Some orbits are small like the orbit of
Mercury and others are large like the orbit of Pluto. If the orbit
of the Earth were the size of a dime, the orbit of Pluto would be the size
of a bicycle tire!
To better understand our solar
system, it is important to know where the planets are located and what
orbits they have.
What effect do you think the
distance from the Sun has on the planets like Mercury or Pluto?
here to continue!