WINTER, 2003 UP 507--Geographic Information Systems Prerequisite: UP406 or permission of instructor (that is, previous experience using GIS software) Lecture and Lab, integrated: M: 5:30-9:30 p.m., 3358A Media Union Office Hours start in Week 2: M, 1-4; Tu, 1-4 Schedule an appointment or walk-in. Office: 1235 Art and Architecture Building Available by e-mail. Others by appointment. Professor: Sandy Arlinghaus sarhaus@umich.edu (preferred method of contact) 975-0246 (home phone with answering machine) In addition to the facilities in the Media Union (which are substantial--get acquainted with them), there is a small GIS lab and a small open classroom near my office. When you come to see me in office hours, look around ... |
Thus, students will learn some of the
theory behind
the analysis and will have a chance to put theory into practice.
Students may work individually or in small groups. All students
to post work, as it is done, on the website set up during the first
of class. That way, students receive ongoing feedback on progress.
Course Materials Required:
Required: an active U of M e-mail account
There will be a class website containing lecture notes, links to source materials on the web, citations to printed matter that might be useful, and strategies that might be of use in the lab. Lab fee for course covers the cost of plotter usage (paper and ink) in the GIS lab only for creating posters as well as any related mapping expenses. |
UP507, Winter 2002, final projects page UP507, Winter 2001, final projects page A more permanent archive is under construction. |
Useful Links:
http://zulu.ssc.nasa.gov/mrsid/ Satellite images most regions of the world. Images are in MrSid format--make sure the MrSid extension to ArcView is activated to see these images. |
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mail me: sarhaus@umich.edu