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Siege by Turks 1529 and 1683

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Siege by Turks in the years 1529 und 1683 was a catastrophe for winegrowers

With the wine bars in the city there were so-called Heurigen in the suburbs outside Vienna and settlements near the city wall, so-called Lucken. Worth mentioning, that even to the end of 17th century in the area today's districts Landstrasse (3) and Wieden (4) were gigantic vineyards (Rieden). These were in the property of convents and nobles, some Vienna citizens.

The wine-growing had a setback caused by the destruction further area under cultivation in the course of the 25 days siege by the Turks in the year 1529. 1679 60.000 died by pestilence, a singer called August (der liebe Augustin) fell into a hole for pestilence-victims and survived because he was drunken (and inwardly disinfected). When the vineyards were set up, the Turks came again in the year 1683. Count Rüdiger von Starhemberg, commander-in-chief of the defenders of Vienna, told to burn down the villages and fields around Vienna, so the Turks had no coverage and Vienna had a free field for fire. The besieger were hit after 2 months at the 13.September in the flight, however the battlefield of the troops coming from north was in the vineyards in the area of Hütteldorf, Döbling and Nussdorf.

It was the start of the tradition of the Vienna coffeehouses based on Georg Kolschitzky. The suspension of the prohibition of brewery in the 16th century resulted in losses, Viennese people drank more beer. Consequently convents and winegrowers changed to planting hops for production of beer.

from a map of Vienna and suburbs by Mathäus Seutter 1730/40

from a map of Vienna and suburbs by Mathäus Seutter 1730/40

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All articles to this subject
Wine by the ancient Romans
First Heurige in Vienna
The Buschenschank: Traditional Vienna winerestaurant
Drinking wine in the underground
Anecdotes and stories to Vienna wine
Siege by Turks 1529 and 1683
High taxes on wine
Wine in the 18th century
With the coach to Heuriger
Winecellars in Vienna
Sorts of wine in Austria

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