Name Sarr J Blumson

Home Address 1210 Henry, Ann Arbor, MI 48104


Phone (734) 665-9591 (home)


JD, University of Michigan, 1975.

MA, Computer and Communication Sciences, University of Michigan, 1970.

AB, Mathematics, Dartmouth College, 1968.


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

School of Public Health, 2003 – present.

Senior System Research Programmer in the Biometrics & Outcomes

Research Core, designing and developing data entry tools, data warehouses

and analysis support for clinical trials.

School of Information, 1999 - 2003

Senior System Research Programmer, doing development for

JSTOR (, an on line archive of (currently over

300) academic journals. Projects included a complete rework of the

user interface, implementation of a three tier server architecture and

a partial reimplementation of the Perl and flat file based system

using Java, Oracle and JDBC.

Tools used: Perl, Java, JDBC, Oracle.

Information Technology Division, 1998 - 1999.

Web Data Base developer for the Web Services group. Developed a number of applications for University departments using Oracle with web based front ends, including an on line course catalog, a research data entry system for the Michigan Cancer Institute and work on ITD's internal customer billing system.

Tools used: Perl, C, Oracle SQL, Oracle OCI, WebObjects, Java

Information Technology Division, 1996 - 1998.

Chief Programmer for the Digital Library Production Service, a joint project of the University Libraries, the Information Technology Division and the Media Union. DLPS projects include a number of different on line text and image systems, including art objects, books and journals. I designed and built the storage, retrieval, subscription management and electronic commerce system for the PEAK system, which makes all 1100 journals published by Elsevier Science available electronically.

Tools used: Perl, C, Oracle SQL, Oracle Pro*C, OpenText, Apache/Stronghold Web Server, Sun SE Performance Monitoring Toolkit

Information Technology Division, 1995 - 1996

Product Area Manager in the Information Technology Division. Coordinate project teams developing new ITD products and services in a variety of areas, including general purpose computing services, hierarchical storage management and database application development.

Center for Information Technology Integration, 1992 - 1995.

Senior System Research Programmer at the Center for Information technology Integration. Team Leader for groups doing testing and performance evaluation and tool development for the Institutional File System and for OSF/DCE. Designed and led coding and testing of a performance instrumentation system for DCE, and participated in DCE standards activities.

Tools used: C, Transarc AFS, OSF/DCE


Samsomatic, Ltd., Plymouth, MI, 1989 - 1992.

Manager of Software Development for a manufacturer of computer controlled gaging and statistical process control machines for the machine tool industry. Supervised the software configuration of custom machines; designed and directed the coding of new modules. Introduced significant improvements to the development process, including the first use of automated version and configuration control software.

Tools used: C, x86 assembler

Bell Northern Research, Ann Arbor, MI, 1984 - 1989.

Lead the Ann Arbor portion of the development of the product version of the Helix distributed file system, currently a component of several Northern Telecom products. Lastly Manager of Maintenance and Diagnostic Software for the Meridian Data Network System base computing platform. Duties include active design, coding and problem chasing, guiding the efforts of a group of up to five engineers, and coordinating work with other BNR laboratories involved in other parts of the effort.

Tools used: Pascal, MC68000 assembler

ADP Network Services, Ann Arbor, MI, 1969 - 1976 and 1981 - 1984.

Various positions, including maintenance and enhancement of the TOPS-10 operating system, maintenance and enhancement of a FORTRAN IV system, and leading a three person group maintaining and enhancing the INGRES database management system, including porting it to a variety of micro, mini and mainframe systems.

Tools used: C, FORTRAN, Pascal, PDP-8/10/11/VAX assemblers

Legal Services of Southeastern Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1976 - 1981.

Staff attorney handling both counseling and courtroom matters for low income residents of southeastern Michigan.

Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, 1968 - 1969.

Participated in the development of an advanced operating system for the Philco 2000 line of computers.

Tools used: MAD, Philco 2000 assembler


Association for Computing Machinery (SIGOPS, SIGCAPH and SIGCHI)

IEEE (Computer Society)


AFS Write Performance, Proceedings of the Winter 1993 AFS Users' Group Conference. Also available as CITI Technical Report 92-7.

AFS Server Logging, (with Peter Honeyman, Thomas Ragland and Michael Stolarchuk) CITI Technical Report 93-10.

Workload Classification in a Large Distributed File System, CITI Technical Report94-3.

Automatic Insertion of Performance Instrumentation for Distributed Applications, (with Mark Carter and Daniel Hyde) CITI Technical Report 95-4.

Making of America: Online Searching and Page Presentation at the University of Michigan (with Elizabeth J. Shaw) D-Lib Magazine, July/August 1997.