Thursday, March 22, 2012: 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
Objectives: To evaluate color stability and drink sorption of 5 different resin composites (Estelite sigma quick, Venus, Premise, Filtek Z350 XT, Filtek P90) after immersed in colored drinks. Methods: Ten disk-shaped specimens of each composite were made. After stored in artificial saliva at 37°C for 24 hours, the initial color of each specimen was assessed by a spectrophotometer. Specimens were immersed in coffee and red wine at 37°C. After 60 days, spectrophotometric measurements were again performed to determine the color changes. Another five disk-shaped specimens of each composite were made for drink sorption evaluation. After the volume of specimens was calculated, specimens were immersed in coffee and red wine at 37°C. After 7 days, the initial mass of specimens were recorded. Specimens were reconditioned to constant mass in the desiccators using the desiccating cycles and drink sorption values were calculated. Data was analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results: Red wine has more staining potential than coffee. Filtek Z350 XT (3M ESPE) in red wine showed the most color change (ΔE = 29.13±6.50), while the least was Filtek P90 (3M ESPE) in coffee (ΔE = 1.45±0.44). Filtek Z350 XT had the highest drink sorption (coffee = 26.66±0.28 μg/mm3, red wine = 27.20±0.58 μg/mm3) and the lowest was Filtek P90 (coffee = 8.84±0.76 μg/mm3, red wine = 8.00±0.58 μg/mm3). Conclusions: Color stability and drink sorption of resin composite were depended on types of material. Potential discoloration might be limited by dietary restriction based on this in vitro evaluation.
Keywords: Color, Composites, Dental materials and Drink sorption
See more of: Color and Appearance I
See more of: Dental Materials 11: Color and Appearance (Esthetics)
See more of: Dental Materials 11: Color and Appearance (Esthetics)