Methods: Patients who received a single dental implant were included. Inclusion criteria were single edentulous area in a posterior sextant surrounded with teeth, systemically healthy non-smokers, one stage implant placement, and indication for screw-retained crown. Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) was performed prior to and at 1, 3, 6 and 12 weeks following loading. Peri-implant and periodontal changes in plaque and gingival indices (PI and GI) were recorded. Similarly, crevicular fluid (CF) samples from the implant and adjacent teeth were collected with sterile paper strips. CF volume was determined by Periotron® and samples were stored at -80°C for future multiplex cytokine assays. Repeated Measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis.
Results: Thirteen patients (6 Female; 53.8±2.8yrs) were included. Mean healing time prior to loading was 6.5±0.4 months. Mean Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) increased from 77 to 85 units (P<0.001). Plaque accumulation around implant-supported crowns decreased following loading (P>0.05) while an increase in peri-implant GI was noted with increasing loading time (P=0.01). Similarly, peri-implant CF increased following loading (P=0.008).
Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, mechanical loading following traditional osseointegration period has significant effect on implant stability and peri-implant clinical indices used to evaluate soft tissue healing and health. The relationship between RFA readings and local levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines during this late phase of healing is currently under investigation.
Keywords: Crevicular fluid, Implantology, Loading, Periodontics and Wound healing
See more of: Implantology Research