1198 Bond durability of four contemporary self-etching systems

Saturday, March 24, 2012: 8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Presentation Type: Oral Session
J. FU1, F. PANG1, S. TING1, K. OKUYAMA1, Y. NAKAOKI2, T. IKEDA1, and H. SANO1, 1Dept of Restorative Dentistry Div of Oral Health Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2Department of Restorative Dentistry, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Sapporo, Japan
Objectives: To evaluate the bonding performance of four commercial available self-etching systems stored in water for 24 hours, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

Methods: Four self-etching adhesives were employed in this study: Easy Bond (EB,3M ESPE, USA), G-Bond plus (GBp, GC Corporation, Japan), SE Bond (SE, Kuraray Medical INC. Japan) and Protect Bond (PB, Kuraray Medical INC. Japan). 32 human third molars without caries were separated into 4 groups with 8 teeth in each adhesive system. After bonding followed by the manufacture’s instruction, the teeth were build-up with resin composite (Clearfil AP-X) and being stored in 37 °C distilled water for 24 hours. The bonded specimens sectioned into 1.0 mm² sticks and storage into 37 °C distilled water again for 24h, 3m, 6m, and 12m. Micro-tensile bond strength (µTBS) test was performed, after different water-storage duration at a crosshead speed of 1mm/min. The obtained data were expressed as MPa and statistically analyzed by Games-Howell test and regression analysis (p<0.05).

Results: Regarding all-in-one adhesives, EB showed significant decrease in µTBS at all the storage durations. GBp indicated significant decrease after 12m storage in comparison with 24h. On the other hand, two 2-step self-etching systems expressed no decrease in µTBS during 12m water-storage.

Conclusions: Water could affect bonding performance of all-in-one system significantly, especially on HEMA-contained all-in-one system. 2-step self-etching systems might have consistent bonding performance comparing with that of all-in-one systems.

Keywords: Dental materials, Dentin, Dentin bonding agents, Fluoride and Self-etching Durability