Methods: This is a randomized double blind clinical trial. 28 subjects with one hopeless molar were selected. Clinical measurements including ridge width (RW) and mucogingival junction (MGJ) were recorded before the extraction. Socket depth (SD) and crestal height (CH) were recorded during the ridge preservation procedures. FDBA or ABBM was covered with the acellular dermal matrix (ADM). The patients start to take the tetracycline for bone labeling purpose at 3 months. Tissue biopsies were taken at 6 months. All clinical measurement was recorded again to compare to the baseline and between the groups.
Results: In a clinical outcome, there is no significant difference in ridge width, ridge height, and mucogingival junction changed between two different groups. In a histological result, the FDBA group shows more vital bone with less grafted material than ABBM group.
Conclusions: FDBA presents similar clinical performance with ABBM in ridge preservation procedures, however, induces more vital bone than ABBM. FDBA could be suggested as a better bone substitute for further implant placement.
Keywords: Oral surgery, Periodontics, Regeneration and Surgery
See more of: Periodontal Research - Therapy