Methods: Seventy two adult subjects completed this study. Tooth color was measured objectively using a colorimeter (VITA Easyshade Compact TM) and the subjects self evaluated their tooth color using a variable analog scale (VAS). After baseline measurements the subjects were divided into four different groups based upon coded products supplied by the manufacturer (Robell). The groups were: Group A: Peroxygenated toothpaste (SupersmileTM) plus self-applied placebo activator. Group B: Peroxygenated toothpaste plus self-applied activator Group C: Control toothpaste plus self-applied placebo activator. Group D: Control toothpaste plus self-applied activator. The subjects provided with the manufacturers’ instructions and a tooth brush and were allowed to apply the products to their maxillary anterior teeth wait two minutes and to brush three times for two minutes each time using a dry tooth brush. After brushing, tooth color was re-measured by the colorimeter and VAS scale
Results: The mean post application shade differences from baseline were calculated to be 0.75 (+/- 0.57); 1.85 (+/- 0.70); 0.20 (+/- 0.39) and 0.9 (+/- 0.56) for groups A,B,C and D, respectively. Statistical analysis of the scores by t-test showed significant improvement for group B (p> 0.05). For the VAS, the mean pre-post application differences were 0.82 (+/-0.53); 1.33 (+/- 0.69); 0.11 (+/- 0.32); and 0.5 (+/- 0.51) for groups A, B, C and D, respectively. Statistical analysis of the mean pre-and post differences showed that group B was significantly different (p> 0.05).
Conclusions: The results of this study show that application of the activator in combination with the test peroxygenated tooth paste improves tooth color as determined by the methods described. Sponsored by Robell Research.
Keywords: Bleach, Clinical trials, Color, Dentifrices and Stain
See more of: Dental Materials 11: Color and Appearance (Esthetics)