1395 Tomographic Condylar Position Changes Using Two Differents Anterior Deprogrammers. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012: 9:45 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
P. FLOREZ, M.A. QUINTANA, P. CRISTO, and A.M. OCAMPO, Prosthodontics, Fundación Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Odontológicos CIEO, Bogotá, Colombia
"Objectives: " To compare the tomographic position changes of the condyle using two anterior deprogrammers with different ramp angulations (45o or 90o ) in healthy subjects.

"Methods: "  A cone-beam tomography machine (Sirona, Galileos 3D, Charlotte, NC, USA) was used to obtain tomograms of both temporomandibular joints of  30 healthy subjects, before and after 15 minutes of the insertion of the anterior deprogrammer. Groups were divided according the ramp angulation, 45o (15 subjets) and 90o (15 subjets).  After the condylar tomographic  images (with and without the deprogrammer) were obtained, three parameters were used to measure the anterior and posterior  temporomandibular joint space. The tracings were definided by the superior  glenoid fossa  tangent. Anterior and posterior condylar tangents defined by intersection at superior fossa and linear measurement perpendicular to tangential intersectionsStatistical analysis was performed using the pearson chi square test.

Results: There are no significant changes in the articular space, either anterior or posterior when the measurement before and is compared to the measurement with and the deprogrammer in mouth, except in the single case of the difference for the left condyle posterior space (p=0.03). There are no significant differences between the results obtained for left side condyle as compared to the right side condyle (p>0, 05). When the anterior space is compared between groups with 45o vs 90 deprogrammers, the difference is not significant, but it is significant for the posterior space (p=0,016 and  p=0,03 respectively between angle groups, without and with the deprogrammer). The direction of change in the condyle position is not significantly affected by the angle of the ramp in the deprogrammer (p>0, 05).

"Conclusions: " The two anterior deprogrammers evaluated do not produce significant  changes in the condylar position when are used for diagnosis.(15 minutes) 

Keywords: Occlusion, Prosthodontics and TMJ and masticatory muscles
See more of: Diagnostic Sciences III
See more of: Diagnostic Sciences