728 In-Situ Evaluation of Pro-Inflammatory Mediators Around Dental Implant Abutments

Friday, March 23, 2012: 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Presentation Type: Oral Session
C.A. BARWACZ, K. BROGDEN, C. STANFORD, L. THOMANN, E.N. RECKER, D. DAWSON, C. KUMMET, and D.R. BLANCHETTE, Dows Institute for Dental Research, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Objectives: To evaluate if a significant difference exists in the production of five pro-inflammatory cytokines in the peri-implant sulcus fluid (PISF) around abutments of titanium or zirconium oxide in patients for which the restorations have been functioning for at least 6 months.

Methods: Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed on 46 healthy subjects who had undergone previous implant therapy. The age range of the subjects was 23-77 years, 20 males, 26 females. PISF samples were obtained from one implant site per subject. Each implant site had four sites that were sampled and pooled into 0.01 M PBS, pH 7.2 containing protease inhibitors.  Five pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) were examined using a commercial multiplexed fluorescent bead-based immunoassay (Millipore, Billerica, MA) in the Luminex 100 IS Instrument (Luminex, Austin, TX).


  • None of the subjects sampled exhibited clinical or radiographic evidence of peri-implantitis. Bone levels were stable for all subjects from initial date of prosthesis delivery.
  • There was no evidence of a group (titanium or zirconium oxide) difference for any of these five cytokines using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test (p>0.37 in all instances).
  • There was no evidence of a gender difference for any of these five cytokines, based on a simple bivariate comparison of the males and females using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test (p>0.14 in all instances).
  • There was no evidence of an increasing or decreasing relationship with age for any of these five cytokines, based on the Spearman rank procedure (p>0.44 in all instances).

Conclusions: The peri-implant inflammatory response to abutments of titanium or zirconium oxide based on five pro-inflammatory mediator profiles demonstrated no significant difference. No relationship was seen when age or sex was evaluated as a factor in inflammatory responses to these abutment materials. Clinicians can expect similar peri-implant sulcular inflammatory responses to abutments of titanium or zirconium oxide.

This abstract is based on research that was funded entirely or partially by an outside source: NIH/NCRR Clinical and Translational Research Award (CTSA), UL1 RR024979 5 UL1 RR 024979-04 (Rosenthal) Funded (10/1/2007–5/31/2012)

Keywords: Biocompatibility, Crevicular fluid, Cytokine, Implantology and Inflammation