1437 Photoelastic Analysis Of Stress Distribution Implant Frameworks in Cr-Co

Saturday, March 24, 2012: 9:45 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
M.A.D.A. NÓBILO, G. CASSARO, M. SERRA E SILVA, B. PEREIRA, R. CONSANI, G. PESSANHA HENRIQUES, and M. MESQUITA, Prosthodontics, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Objectives: The proposal of this study was to evaluate the passivity of tree different Co-Cr alloy framework manufactured technique, by photoelasticity analysis.

Methods: In a curved steel matrix, simulating an edentulous mandible, four external hexagon with regular platform implant analogs were positioned. Five frameworks for each group were obtained: one-piece cast, TIG welding and Laser welded frameworks.  The photoelastic model was made from flexible epoxy. To photoelastic analysis, the frameworks were bolted on the model and seventeen points around the implants were selected for right and left regions, to measure the maximum shear stress. At the middle area, 5 points on the medium of the model, was measured. Were evaluated the stress generated around all the implants in the photoelastic model, around implants in selected area (right, left and middle), and the stress on the cervical and apical model’s area. The data were statistically analyzed using a 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Turkey test.

Results: The results showed no significant difference between any evaluated groups or areas.

Conclusions: The stresses around the implants were similar among the different framework manufacturing techniques and among all evaluated areas.

Keywords: Implants, Metals, Prostheses and Stress