Methods: All materials were dispensed and mixed according to each manufacturer’s instructions. Each sample was then placed into a mold (0.6 g total mass) and submerged in Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution at room temperature to simulate the physiologic environment. A linear variable displacement transformer dilatometer was used to determine linear expansion over a period of 25 hours. One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison tests were used to compare setting expansions.
Results: The mean setting expansions were 1.06±0.70% for ESRRM, and 0.039±0.069% for WMTA 0.001±0.004% for IBC. ESRRM exhibited significantly greater expansion (p<0.001) than either of the other two materials. There was no significant difference between the setting expansion of WMTA and IBC (p=0.985).
Conclusions: Under the conditions of this study, only ESRRM underwent any appreciable setting expansion.
Keywords: Biomaterials and MTA
See more of: Dental Materials 9: Other Materials - Chemistry, Properties and Performance