Methods: Two adhesive resin cement systems: Variolink II (VL, base/catalyst, Try-in paste, shade: Yellow: Y/ Brown: B, Ivoclar Vivadent) and Clearfil Esthetic Cement (EC, paste, Try-in paste, shade: Universal: U / Brown: B, Kuraray) were included in this study. All cements were luted on the background material (Filtek Supreme Plus Restorative, A3 shade, diameter of 20.0mm, thickness of 3.0mm, 3M ESPE) and a LED light source (G-Light Prima, GC) was used to polymerize resin cements for 40s. Color measurements were performed at placement of try-in pastes, before and after polymerization of resin cements and background as baseline. Colorimetric values of samples were measured with colorimeter (CR-400, Konica Minolta). Color difference between background material and measurements were calculated as DE*ab. The data were statistically analyzed using Student's t-test (n=6).
Results: Color difference (DE*ab) between background and try-in paste were VL-Y:1.14±0.32, VL-B:3.65±0.75, EC-U:3.92±1.08, EC-B:3.65±0.44 ( mean±SD), between background and before polymerization were VL-Y:2.56±0.57, VL-B:3.32±0.72, EC-U:3.02±0.85, EC-B:5.00±0.71, and between background and after polymerization were VL-Y:1.49±0.61, VL-B:2.93±0.45, EC-U:5.64±1.15, EC-B:4.84±0.71. Color difference between try-in paste and after polymerization was not statistically significant in both VL-Y and VL-B, and was statistically significant in EC-U (p<0.05) and EC-B (p<0.01).
Conclusions: Results of this in vitro study suggest that use of try-in paste has predictable result in VL and is not effective in EC. Therefore colorimetric property should be considered during selection from combination of resin cement and try-in paste.
Keywords: Cements, Color and Try-in paste
See more of: Dental Materials 11: Color and Appearance (Esthetics)