Methods: Bovine teeth were divided into four groups: control, Listerine, Oral-B without alcohol and Periogard (chlorhexidine). They underwent two rounds of staining and artificial aging. The reading of the colors was performed with a digital spectrophotometer at the beginning of the experiment and after each cycle. For this purpose, the reading color system defined by the Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage (CIE L*, a*, b*) was used.
Results: After the two rounds of staining and aging, Listerine’s group DE and DL showed significant differences from the other groups, which were similar in their DE and DL after both cycles.
Conclusions: The Listerine antiseptic with alcohol presented more staining than the other studied antiseptics. Chlorhexidine without the association with food doesn’t seem to have potential for dental pigmentation.
Keywords: Antiseptics, Spectrophotometer, Color and Teeth