865 Wear of Glass Ionomer Restorative Materials

Friday, March 23, 2012: 2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
R. ROBLES1, V.K. KALAVACHARLA2, P. BECK2, L. RAMP2, D. CAKIR2, and J. BURGESS2, 1Auburn University, Birmingham, AL, 2University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

Wear of posterior restorative materials is a significant clinical problem over the life of the restoration.  Objectives: To measure and compare the in vitro wear of three glass ionomer restorative materials (Riva Self-Cure LV/SDI, ChemFil Rock/Dentsply, Fuji IX/GC) and (control) a resin composite (Z100/3M ESPE) restorative material.

Methods: Eight flat disc specimens (n=8) of each material (d=10mm/h=4mm) were prepared using a flexible mold following each manufacturers' instructions.  The capsules of glass ionomer materials were mixed in an amalgamator OptiMix (Kerr) for 8 seconds at 4,000rpm. ChemFil Rock was mixed for 12 seconds and placed in the flexible mold  covered with a glass slide and allow to set. The composite resin was placed in 2mm increments in the same mold and light-cured with an Elipar S10 curing light (3M ESPE/1020mW/cm2). Specimens were stored in distilled water (24h/37șC), mounted in brass holders (d=15mm/self-cured acrylic resin), polished with a series of abrasive disc (320-, 600- and 2000- grit SiC paper) and finished (0.05” alumina slurry+polishing cloth).  The wear test was conducted on a modified UAB wear machine with a 2mm slide for 300,000 cycles using stainless steel tips (d=4.70mm) with load of 50N at 50cycles/min. 50” PMMA beads were used as the third body media (15g beads+9g water). Restorative materials were scanned before and after wear using a non-contact 3D profilometer (PROSCAN2000/Scantron/UK) to determine loss of restorative material (wear-depth and volume) by superimposing the two images (ProForm software). Data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey/Kramer post-hoc test (p=0.05).

Results: (Mean±SD)


Volume (mm3)

Depth (”m)

Riva Self-Cure LV/SDI



ChemFil Rock/Dentsply



Fuji IX/GC



Z100/3M ESPE




Conclusions: Z100 produced significantly less wear than any of the glass ionomer materials tested (p<.0001).  Fuji IX had significantly less wear than Riva self-cure LV (p<0.05). No other differences were found.  

Keywords: Glass ionomers and Wear