206 Distinct salivary-biomarkers profile in health versus chronic-periodontitis and treatment effects

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Discussion Session
S. PRAKASAM, Periodontics and Allied Dental health, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, S. JANARDHANAM, Oral Pathology, Medicine and Radiology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, and M. SRINIVASAN, Oral Pathology, Medicine & Radiology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

Background: Saliva has potential to diagnose chronic periodontitis (CP). Changes in tissue-expression of pattern-recognition-receptors (PRRs), which recognize periodontal-pathogens, correlate with CP.  It follows that PRRs-expression in nucleated-cells shed in saliva (NCs) and soluble-PRRs may differentiate CP from health. Additionally, cytokines in GCF correlate with worsening CP, which may-be reflected in saliva. One significant test for biomarkers is changes in response to treatment.

Objectives: Comparison of CP salivary-biomarkers profile with health and to study treatment effects.

Methods: Unstimulated-whole-saliva (UWS) collection/recording of routine clinical/periodontal-parameters were done for two groups {CP-group (≥30% sites with ≥4mm clinical loss of attachment (CAL)) versus healthy H-group (minimal CAL & clinical-inflammation)} of systemically-healthy individuals (16-per-group), at defined time points.  NCs & clarified saliva (CS) were separated from UWS. mRNA was extracted from NCs and TLR-2 expression was quantitated through real-time-PCR (Table-1). CS  depleted of Immunoglobulin & amylase (prevent large molecule interferences) and diluted to 1µg/ml of salivary-protein in PBS (normalize for variations in liquid volume) was used to quantify biomarkers through ELISA. Significance between H and CP-group biomarkers was determined through Mann-whitney-‘U'-Test. one-tailed-paired-‘T'-tests determined significance of SRP-mediated salivary-biomarker changes in CP.

Results: Table-2 compares clinical-profiles of H and CP-groups and changes after SRP within CP-group. Table-3 compares changes in salivary-biomarkers.  Briefly salivary sTLR-2, IL-17, & IL-10, were significantly higher, and sCD14, IL-6 , IL-4  &TLR-2 mRNA were significantly lower in H (compared to CP). In CP, salivary sTLR-2 & IL10 increased significantly at 1 & 6 weeks after SRP whilst IL-4 decreased significantly at 6 weeks.

Conclusions: Salivary-biomarkers profile is distinct between health and CP. sTLR-2, IL-10 and IL-4 may serve as short-term biomarkers for monitoring response to SRP.  sCD14, TLR2-mRNA and other cytokines need exploration as long-term-response biomarkers. Depletion of amylase & immunoglobulin and normalization for liquid-volume may be important steps in biomarkers quantification.

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This abstract is based on research that was funded entirely or partially by an outside source: IUSD Research Sub-committee

Keywords: Diagnosis, Immune response, Inflammation, Periodontal disease and Saliva