Some of the challenges of visual monitoring of tooth whitening are associated with observer and patient recruitment, and color matching tools, conditions and method. The so-called Value scale of the VITA Classical shade guide, a conventional gold standard for monitoring whitening, has significant shortcomings that diminish the credibility of research results:
. It does not correspond to visual light-to-dark order
. It has a narrow range and inconsistent color distribution
. Value scale exhibits poor correlation with chroma changes
. Lack of very light tabs dictates study designs that exclude a huge percentage of the population
Dental researchers in the past had limited choices in selecting shade guides for monitoring whitening. However, a significant change occurred with the introduction of the new Bleachedguide 3D-Master and particularly after the introduction of the new tab marking system that includes interpolated shade guide units (ranging from 1 to 29 sgu). Clear evidence of the inferiority of Classical Value scale and benefits of the "interpolated" Bleachedguide will be provided, followed by appropriate conclusions and recommendations.
Keywords: Whitening
See more of: Dental Materials 11: Color and Appearance (Esthetics)