How to Plan a Randomized Clinical Trial Focused on Implant Therapies?

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session Type: Lunch and Learning
1.25 CE hours

Sponsored by: Implantology Research
Description: The effectiveness of many procedures and biomaterials in context with implant therapy remain elusive. This controversy is partly caused by the lack of solid data from appropriately designed and executed clinical trials. The speaker will discuss the methodology and the tricks and traps of conducting randomized clinical trials.
Learning Objectives:
Optimize the contents of a research protocol for a randomized controlled trial focused on implant dentistry
Identify critical issues in the planning of randomized controlled trial focused on implant dentistry
Recognize critical elements and barriers for successful completion of a randomized controlled trial focused on implant dentistry
See more of: Lunch & Learning