Thursday, March 22, 2012: 3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m.
Session Type: Poster Session
1.25 CE hours
Learning Objectives:
Bond Strength in Orthodontics and Adhesive Materials
Bond Strengths of Nanocomposite Using Different Conditioners and Bonding Agents
L.E. NORTH1, T.A. IMBERY2, A.M. BEST2, and P.C. MOON2, 1Virginia Commonwealth University - VCU/MCV, Richmond, VA, 2General Practice, Virginia Commonwealth University - VCU/MCV, Richmond, VA
Shear Bond Strength of Three Resin-modified-glass-ionomers Following Six Surface Treatments
R.W. AMOS1, T.A. IMBERY1, A. DUNCAN2, A. NAMBOODIRI3, A.M. BEST1, and P.C. MOON1, 1General Practice, Virginia Commonwealth University - VCU/MCV, Richmond, VA, 2VCU, Richmond, VA, 3Virginia Commonwealth University - VCU/MCV, Richmond, VA
Influence of Bonded Surface Area and Crosshead-speed on Bond Strength
Y. TAMURA1, K. TSUBOTA1, K. SHIRATSUCHI1, Y. SHIMIZU1, A. IROKAWA1, T. TAKAMIZAWA1, S. ANDO2, M. MIYAZAKI2, and M.A. LATTA3, 1School of Dentistry, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, 2Operative dentistry, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, 3School of Dentistry, Creighton University, Omaha, NE
Shear bond-strength and AFM-evaluation of bonded interface of flexible restorative
K. SAEKI1, A. CHIN1, S. MARSHALL2, and G. MARSHALL3, 1Dept. of PRDS, University of California - San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, 2Dept of Prev. & Rest. Dent. Sciences, University of California - San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, 3Preventive and Restorative Dent Sci, University of California - San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Comparative Shear Bond Strengths of Orthodontic Adhesives with sealants/bonding resin
E.C. KAO1, A. ISBLE1, J. MITCHELL1, T. TOMBLYN1, P.W. NGAN2, and S. WEARDEN3, 1Restorative Dentistry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 2Dept of Orthodontics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 3Dept. of statistics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Orthodontic Bracket Tensile Bond Strength of Recycled Bovine Enamel
E. CIULA, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN, S.C. ISIKBAY, Indianapolis, IN, and T. KATONA, School of Dentistry, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
Bond strength of Orthodontic Brackets to Enamel with Different Cements
J. CHAN, Ciencias Restaurativas, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, I. FERRETO, Univ. of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, and H. CACERES, Pediatrics and Orthodontics, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica
Laser Effect on Bond Strength of a Self-adhesive Flowable Composite
A.R. YAZICI1, I. AGARWAL2, M. CAMPILLO FUNOLLET2, T. MANG2, C. MUNOZ-VIVEROS2, S. ANTONSON2, and D. ANTONSON2, 1School of Dentistry, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 2State University of New York - Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Bond Strength of Orthodontic Cement at Different Time Intervals
I. FERRETO1, A.G. AGUILAR2, L. RODRIGUEZ2, and H. CACERES3, 1Univ. of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2Restorative Sciences, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, 3Pediatrics and Orthodontics, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica
Tribocorrosion of Different Sealants in Sliding Contact with Human Teeth
R. GALO, Ribeirão Preto Dental School, University of São Paulo, Sertãozinho, Brazil, M. CONTENTE, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, and M.C. BORSATTO, Department of Pediatrics Clinics, Preventive and Social Dentistry, Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Influence Of Photoactivation Method On Bond Strength And Microhardness Composites
M. SINHORETI1, A. CORRER1, L. CORRER-SOBRINHO1, A. COSTA2, and T. TAVARES2, 1University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2State University of Campinas, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil
Photoelastic Analysis Of Composite Shrinkage Stress Photoactivated By Different Methods
A. CORRER1, L. CORRER-SOBRINHO1, A. COSTA2, T. TAVARES2, and M. SINHORETI1, 1University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2State University of Campinas, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil
Waiting Time Prior Adhesive Photo-Activation Affects Bond Strength To Dentin
D.L.S. SCHEFFEL1, H. RICCI2, R.P. ESTRELA1, C.A. DE SOUZA COSTA3, and J. HEBLING4, 1Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araraquara, Brazil, 2Dept. de Clinica Infantil, UNESP-Univ Estadual Paulista, Araraquara School of Dentistry, São Carlos, Brazil, 3Department of Physiology and Pathology, UNESP - Univ. Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, Brazil, 4Dept. de Clinica Infantil, UNESP-Univ Estadual Paulista, Araraquara School of Dentistry, Araraquara Sao Paulo, Brazil
Inhibitory Properties and Shear Bond Strength of Benzalconium Chloride-containing Adhesives
S. PATEL, State University of New York - Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, C. SABATINI, Department of Restorative Dentistry, State University of New York - SUNY - Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, and F.A. SCANNAPIECO, Oral Biology, State University of New York - SUNY - Buffalo, Buffalo, NY