Concepts Problem Solving Heuristics
Gantt charts
Critical Path diagrams
Deployment charts
Potential Problem Analysis (PPA)
Time 30 minutes ± 10 minutes
Reference Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, Fogler and LeBlanc
The students should go over the introduction and review sections of the module first before proceeding to the interactive section. The introduction will go into the basics of planning, and the review will cover the details of the evaluation checklist. Both of these are crucial to understand before proceeding the interactive part of the module.


In the scenario section of the module, the student will join their local ASCE's chapter for this year's bridge contest. They will have to help plan their entry for the contest using Gantt charts and similar planning methods.

Grade Base Successful completion of the scenario.
Comments This module is a great tool for establishing an understanding of how to efficiently and effectively plan for problem solving, whether it would be engineering related or not. It is recommended that students go through the introduction and review sections multiple times in order to fully understand the material.
Installation  Instructions for installing and using the ICMs are available.

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