Overall Research Terms
- unit of analysis
- scientific method
- inductive vs. deductive
- null hypothesis and research hypothesis
- falsification
- replication
- validity (both internal and external)
- reliability
- generalization (and the distinction between statistical and analytical generalization)
U.S. Census and Census Geography
- the "old" metropolitan geography: MSA, PMSA, CMSA
- the "new" metropolitan geography: metropolitan and micropolitan areas
- Census tracts vs. blocks
- race versus ethnicity variables
- Census regions and divisions
Data Presentation:
- principles of data presentation: basic do's and don'ts of graphs and
- advantages and disadvantages of different types of graphs (bar, column,
scatterplot, pie, etc.)
- ways that graphs distort data
Multiple Regression Analysis
- know how to interpret a multiple regression output (e.g., t score,
F score, R-squared, adjusted R squared, coefficient, constant, beta,
significance, standard error)
- the mathematical relationship between Total Sum of Squares, Regression Sum of Squares, F, R-Square, etc.
- how to write an equation from the coefficients and use this to make
an estimate
- know the basic assumptions of a regression model (see Lewis-Beck,
p. 26 - )
- homoscedasticity vs. heteroscedasticity
- multicollinearity
- dummy variables
- outliers
Evaluation Research
- program theory
- counterfactual (and compare approaches and pros/cons of each, e.g., before-after, random assignment, natural experiments; matched-pairs; regression)
- random assignment
- control vs. experimental group
- rival explanation
- side-effects (unintended consequences)
- placebo effect
- how regression analysis might be used in evaluation research
Case Study Research
- statistical generalization vs. analytical generalization
- single- vs. multiple case studies
- literal replication vs. theoretical replication
- typical vs. exceptional cases
- cases as quasi-experiments
Economic Analysis
- economic base model (multipliers)
- location quotients
- GINI coefficients (and the Lorenz curve)
- cost-benefit analysis
- shift-share analysis
Basic Statistics terms (largely
covered in UP503):
- descriptive vs. inferential statistics (can you explain the difference?)
- univariate, bivariate, multivariate
- levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal and interval
- mean, median, mode
- correlation coefficient
- degrees of freedom
- confidence interval
- normal curve
- statistical significance
- distribution of sample means
- t score
- F score
- difference of means test
- difference of proportions test
- ANOVA - Analysis of Variance
- chi-square
- the difference between a one-tail and two-tailed test (and when to use one or the other) -see Trochim's useful guide
- longitudinal vs. cross-sectional data
- panel vs. non-panel data
- standard error versus standard deviation
- primary vs. secondary data
Relationships between variables:
- ecological fallacy
- spurious relationships
- intervening variables
- correlation vs. causation
- scatterplots (x-y plots)
- linear vs. nonlinear relationships
- measurement of the strength of a relationship (r) versus the statistical significance of a relationship (t-score and corresponding prob-value)
- symmetrical vs. non symmetrical relationships
- dependent vs. independent variables
Survey Research:
- sampling terminology: population, sampling frame, sampling element,
sample, sample size, response rate, nonresponses
- probabilistic and nonprobabilistic sampling
- types of sampling: simple random, systematic random, stratified,
clustered, etc. -- how they are done; assumptions of each;
advantages and disadvantages of each.
- use of weights to adjust for non-proportional sampling (e.g., with
stratified sampling)
- sampling fraction
- measures and concepts
- questionnaire design: do's and don'ts of wording, ordering,
filtering, open- vs. closed-ended questions, etc.
- fertility, mortality, migration (components of change)
- cohort survival analysis
- age-specific data (e.g., age-specific fertility)
- fertility rates
- "replacement level" (for fertility rates)
- life expectancy (e0)
- components of life
tables (qx
, lx
, dx
, Lx
, Tx
, ex
and basic equations, e.g., qx = dx/ lx; ex = Tx/ lx
- population forecasting
- age pyramids
- net vs. gross migration
- types of growth functions (e.g., linear, compounded, exponential)