Prof. Scott Campbell

University of Michigan
College of Architecture and Urban Planning

UP504 • Statistics Links

last updated:  Sunday, January 24, 2010

Please email me with corrections or additions.

return to UP504 main page

Links to Other Statistics Sites

(for a more up-to-date site, please see this page:


Online File Access

Uploading Files to the WWW

SSH Secure Shell (Windows) or Fugu (Mac OS X).

Accessing IFS Space [update this link]

Downloading From the WWW

NCSA:  A Beginner's Guide to html


University of Michigan

Documents Center (Check out Demographics, Housing, Sociology, etc.) -- Statistical Resources
ICPSR - Data Access
Map Library

Michigan Data

Demographic, Economic, Educational, Geographic and Recreational Data, (Michigan Information Center)
Labor Market Data (Michigan Department of Career Development)
County Profiles (Michigan Economic Development Corporation)
SEMCOG (Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
Michigan School Profiles (Michigan Department of Education)
FIA Data

Federal/National Data

Bureau of Transportation Statistics
U.S. Census and Related Sites
US Census: Economic Census
National Public School Locator

Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

Economic Policy Institute: Datazone

International Data

UNDP: statistics
Demographic and Social Statistics, (United Nations)

National Statistics, (United Nations)
National and Comparative Profiles, (United Nations)
Selective International City Profiles, (United Nations)
Development Data, (World Bank)
International Labor Migration Database, (International Labor Organization)






Academic Resources

Research Methods

Statistical Sites

Data Presentation Sites

Web Citations

Software and Planning Resources

Software Sites

Planning Resources

Spatial Analysis and GIS

Software Sites

Thanks to Tara Penders, Carolyn Gillespie, Dahlia Chazan, Mandy Grewal and Seema Iyer (former UP504 GSIs) for their past assistance with this page.