Urban Planning 523:
Regional Planning
Fall Semester, 2015
Prof Scott Campbell

last updated Monday, December 7, 2015

Assignments and Grading

Students are expected to complete all the required readings before the start of class and be ready to actively participate in class discussions. Students will also make group presentations, write five short response papers and one regional mapping/representation exercise. There will be no final exam. The work load (readings and paper assignments) is fairly evenly spaced throughout the semester. Please read these guidelines about writing, coursework and academic integrity



Percent of Grade

regional mapping/representation exercise (Sep 28)
[description on main syllabus page]


five response papers (12% each)


group presentation





Course Module (presentation date)


Five Short Response Papers (3 pages each)

History and Politics

[no group presentation]

[no paper for this module]

New York (Oct 7)

Terence Lee,James Arnott, Mengwei Sun

ONE: due Oct 12

Chicago (Oct 21)

Jermaine Ruffi, Mari Hashimoto, Xiang Yan

TWO: due Friday Oct 30

West Coast: LA, SF, Portland (Nov 4)

Albert Foo, Shuo Gong, Chad Schram

THREE: due Nov 9

Ecoregions (Nov 18)

Alyssa Cudmore, Brian Fadie, Anna Bengtson

FOUR: due Wed Nov 25

Atlanta and Detroit

[no group presentation]

[no paper for this module]

New Regionalism, Global Regions (Dec 9)

Joel Batterman, Katie Reilly

FIVE: due Monday, Dec 14



Group Presentation

The class will divide into five presentation groups -- one for each module (no presentation for the "history and politics module" or the "Atlanta & Detroit module"). (Group size will vary from 2-4 students depending on class size.) Each group is responsible for making a major presentation on the last day of their respective modules. These presentations may include images, maps, multimedia, handouts, etc. Students are encouraged to make creative, analytical, engaging, visually rich presentations that (a) address the themes of the module, (b) add new material on the theme not covered by the course readings, (c) identify and answer several critical questions raised by the module, and (d) encourage discussion. Group members should be ready to answer questions posed by the class members. Groups should begin meeting at least several weeks before their scheduled presentation date and begin preparations. Use this preparation time to read outside documents on the theme, prepare visuals, develop your presentations structure, themes and main analytical points, and develop a division of labor within your group. (Note: the goal is NOT to summarize all the readings in the module; instead, explore more deeply and innovatively some of the themes and ideas that emerge during the module. Your presentation should complement and augment the module's readings, not duplicate them.) These are major presentations; you are expected to put a lot of work into preparation.

Group Formation will begin early in the semester, so please plan ahead and be ready to express your preferences.


Five Short (3 page) Response Papers

The course is organized into modules, each on a specific theme. For each module, I will issue a question that relates to the course readings. Each student is to write an original response to the question. The goals of the assignment are to encourage all students to actively engage with the readings, to keep up with the weekly reading assignments, and to continuously relate the readings to major questions in regional planning. The answers will be due in class on the assigned date. Late assignments result in point reductions. [Note: you are to complete all five response papers, including for the module that includes your group presentation.]

Format and Guidelines on Style