OLD SYLLABUS FROM 2010 listed below-- link to current syllabus


Urban Planning 540: PLANNING THEORY
Fall 2010

Mo+We 11:00AM - 12:30PM in 2104 A&AB (lecture hall)

optional biweekly discussion session: Th 12:30 - 1:30 (2222 A&AB).

Readings 3 formats: (1) textbooks; (2) online via ctools [authentication required]; (3) available directly on the www.

FAST ACCESS TO: September October November December

course overview
discussion hour

central questions of planning

debates in planning theory
terms and concepts
other theory readings
planning timeline
useful research links

updated:  Monday, September 5, 2011

Prof. Scott Campbell
College of Architecture and Urban Planning
University Of Michigan
Office hours sign-up
office:  2225C A&AB
class listserv: up540f10@ctools.umich.edu

GSI: Nathan Podrid
office hours: usually 1:30 - 2:30 on Thursdays (in 2208I).



READINGS FOR SEMESTER (if citation has no online link or is not from an assigned textbook, then the reading is available through ctools)

Sep 8: Course Introduction

"Introduction: The Structure and Debates of Planning Theory," in Readings in Planning Theory.

see also (useful as an introduction to planning):
Frank, Nancy. 2002. Rethinking Planning Theory for a Master's-Level Curriculum. Journal of Planning Education and Research 21 (3):320-330.
Cullingworth, Barry, and Roger W. Caves. "The Nature of Planning," in Planning in the USA: Policies, Issues, and Processes, 2nd edition. New York: Routledge, 2003, pp. 5-26.



Sep 13: Leitmotifs in Planning Theory (mostly classic themes)

Simmel, Georg. "The Metropolis and Mental Life," in The Sociology of Georg Simmel, translated by Kurt H. Wolff Glencoe: The Free Press, 1950, pp. 409-424.
Peterson, Jon. 2003. Urban Planning in the American Past. in The Birth of City Planning in the United States, 1840-1917. Johns Hopkins. (pp. 1-28).
Burgess, Ernest W., ‘The Growth of the City’ (City Reader, Part 3)
Mumford, Lewis, ‘What Is a City?’ (City Reader, Part 2)
Melvin Webber, ‘The Post-City Age’ (City Reader, Part 8)

see also:
Louis Wirth, ‘Urbanism as a Way of Life’ (City Reader, Part 2)
Kingsley Davis, ‘The Urbanization of the Human Population’ (City Reader, Part 1)


Sep 15: Leitmotifs in Planning Theory (more contemporary themes)

Lynch, Kevin. "The Pattern of the Metropolis," in An Urban World, edited by Charles Tilly. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1974, pp. 298-315.
Glaeser, Edward L. "Why Economists Still Like Cities." City Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1996, pp. 70-77.
Joel Kotkin, ‘The Urban Future’ (City Reader, Part 8)
David Harvey, ‘Contested Cities: Social Processes and Spatial Form’ (City Reader, Part 4)
Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit, ‘The Occidental City’ (City Reader, Part 2)

see also:
Teitz, Michael B. "American Planning in the 1990s: Evolution, Debate and Challenge." Urban Studies, Vol. 33, No. 4/5, May 1996, pp. 649-671.
Teitz, Michael B. "American Planning in the 1990s: Part II, The Dilemma of the Cities." Urban Studies, Vol. 34, No. 5/6, May 1997, pp. 775-796.


20TH CENTURY Planning History: from garden cities to Postmodernism

Sep 20: The Garden City as the Marriage of Town and Country (examples: Letchworth, Welwyn, Radburn)

Friedrich Engels, "The Great Towns"‘ (City Reader, Part 1)
Ebenezer Howard, Author's Introduction' and ‘The Town-Country Magnet’ (City Reader, Part 5)
Hall, Peter.  2002.  Cities of Tomorrow.      (Chs. 1-4) 
Fishman, Robert.  "Urban Utopias" in Readings in Planning Theory
Mumford, Lewis. 1986. The Ideal Form of the Modern City. In The Lewis Mumford reader. New York: Pantheon Books.

see also:
online excerpt from Howard's 1898 book on garden cities
Ruth Eckdish Knack, "Garden Cities"
Alexander Garvin, "Are Garden Cities Still Relevant?"
Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives (hypertext)

also explore these links: 
Albert Guttenberg, "Pathways in American Planning History:  A Thematic Chronology"
a chronology of planning history
Planned Communities / New Towns (George Mason U.)
Utopia - The Search for the Ideal Society (NY Public Library)
H-Utopia Discussion Group
Society for Utopian Studies
on Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward


Sep 22: City Beautiful Movement: Daniel Burnham and the 1893 World Columbian Exposition (Chicago)

Hall, Ch. 6; 
Wilson, "The Glory, Destruction, and Meaning of the City Beautiful Movement,"

see also:
Encyclopedia of Chicago: The Plan of Chicago
Loos, Adolf, and Adolf Opel. 1998. Ornament and crime : selected essays, Studies in Austrian literature, culture, and thought. Riverside, Calif.: Ariadne Press. (Chapter: 29: Ornament and Crime).
Gilbert, James Burkhart. 1991. Perfect cities: Chicago's utopias of 1893. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Chapter 4: "First City: Form and Fantasy"
Chicago's Columbian Exposition of 1893  including "Idea, Experience, Aftermath"
Chicago Historical Society
Chronological history of Chicago (timeline)
UVA's "The Capitol Project:  "City Beautiful" and "the 1901 Plan for Washington, D.C."
Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.  "The City Beautiful,"  The Builder (July 7, 1911):15-17. 
you might also see:
Erik Larson. 2003. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America - Crown Pub. [NOT on reserve, but on the best-seller lists]

Note: Where is there a piece of the 1893 Columbian Exposition on the UM campus? answer


Sep 27: The Legacy of Modernist Planning and Architecture

Hall, Ch. 7
Le Corbusier, ‘A Contemporary City’ (City Reader, Part 5)
Mumford, Lewis. 1986. Yesterday's City of Tomorrow. In The Lewis Mumford reader. New York: Pantheon Books.
Frank Lloyd Wright, ‘Broadacre City: A New Community Plan’ (City Reader, Part 5)
Fishman, Robert. 1982. "Conclusion," in Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century. New York, NY: Basic Books, pp. 265 - 277

see also:
Glazer, Nathan.  2000. What has happened to the city planner? In Rodwin, Lloyd and Bish Sanyal(eds.) The Profession of City Planning.  New Brunswick, NJ: CUPR Press.
Glazer, Nathan. 2007.  What has happened to the city planner? in  From a Cause to a Style.  Princeton University Press.

  Essay One due Sep 29

Sep 29: The City in Film: Selections from various urban films + discussion.

[Note: many students will miss this session due to the Expanded Horizons trip -- hence the departure from the regular syllabus.]


Oct 4 - 6: Two Visions of Postwar American Cities: Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs

Oct. 4:
Jane Jacobs.  "The Death and Life of Great American Cities,"  In Readings in Planning Theory
Jane Jacobs, ‘The Use of Sidewalks: Safety’ (City Reader, Part 2)
Jacobs, Jane. "The kind of problem a city is," in The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Random House, 1961, pp. 428-448.

Oct. 6:
Montgomery, Roger. 1998. "Is There Still Life in The Death and Life?" Journal of the American Planning Association 64 (3):269-274.
Berman, Marshall. 1988. All That is Solid Melts into Air. New York: Penguin. (excerpt)
"The Metropolis Observed: Jane Jacobs at 81"  Metropolis online (April 1998) 
Robert Moses obituary, New York Times, July 30, 1981
Lloyd Rodwin. 1961. "Neighbors Are Needed " (a review of The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs). New York Times, Nov. 5.

see also:
"Robert Moses & the Modern City" (web site @ Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University)
Cleveland Rodgers (1939).  "Robert Moses:  An Atlantic Portrait,"  The Atlantic Monthly,  
Robert Moses (1962) "Are Cities Dead?"The Atlantic Monthly, January.
Whyte, William H. 1987. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. In The Public Face of Architecture: Civic Culture and Public Spaces, edited by Glazer, Nathan and Lilla, Mark. New York: Free Press.
"Godmother of the American City," Metropolis online (March 2001)
Robert Moses:  Cross-Bronx Expressway, Triborough Bridge
Erica Pearson, "The Power Broker Revisited," Gotham Gazette, (August 18, 2003)
A Long Island View of Robert Moses (LI History.com)
100 years of Times Square (NY Times)
Altshuler, Alan A., and David Luberoff "Mega-Projects and Urban Theory," in Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment. Washington, D.C.; Cambridge, MA Brookings Institution Press; Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2003, pp. 45-75.
Pogrebin, Robin. 2007. Rehabilitating Robert Moses. The New York Times. January 23 html

not yet online:
"The Godfather of Sprawl," The Atlantic Monthly, May 26, 1999.


Oct 11: Postmodern Urbanism: a rejection or an extension of modernism?

James C. Scott, "Authoritarian High Modernism" in Readings in Planning Theory
Beauregard, Robert A. "Between Modernity and Postmodernity: the Ambiguous Position of US Planning." In Readings in Planning Theory
David Harvey.  "Social Justice, Postmodernism, and the City,"  In Readings in Urban Theory
Ellin, Nan. 1999. Themes of Postmodern Urbanism. In Postmodern urbanism. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. (excerpt: "Themes of Postmoderm Urbanism")
John Hannigan. "Fantasy City: Pleasure and Profit in the Postmodern Metropolis," In Readings in Urban Theory

see also:
Kaika, Maria, and Erik Swyngedouw. "Fetishizing the Modern City: The Phantasmagoria of Urban Technological Networks." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 24, No. 1, March 2000, pp. 120-138.
Sandercock, Leonie Mongrel Cities (London: Continuum, 2003) chap. 1: “Modernist Cities and Planning” (pp. 13-35)
Campbell, Scott, "Is 'Progress' No Longer Progressive? Reclaiming the Ideology of Progress in Planning," pdf file


Oct 13: Public Space, Public Interest and Privatization

William H. Whyte, ‘The Design of Spaces’ (City Reader, Part 7)
Boddy, Trevor. "Underground and Overhead: Building the Analogous City," in Variations on a Theme Park: The New American City and The End of Public Space, edited by Michael Sorkin. New York: Hill and Wang, 1992, pp. 123-153.
Sorkin, Michael. "See You in Disneyland." In Readings in Urban Theory.
Smith, Neil. "Gentrification, the Frontier, and the Restructuring of Urban Space." In Readings in Urban Theory.
Zukin, Sharon. "Whose Culture? Whose City?" In Readings in Urban Theory
Mike Davis, ‘Fortress L.A.’ (City Reader, Part 3)

see also:
NY Times video on "Art and Unrest in the East Village" (related to Neil Smith reading)
Camillo Sitte, ‘Author’s Introduction', ‘The Relationship Between Buildings, Monuments, and Public Squares’ and ‘The Enclosed Character of the Public Square’ (City Reader, Part 7)
this example of green space/public space intervention
Frederick Law Olmsted, ‘Public Parks and the Enlargement of Towns’ (City Reader, Part 5)


Oct 18: No Class (Fall Study Break)


Social Justice and the City: Race, Ethnicity, Diversity, Gender

Oct 20 - 25: Race, Ethnicity, Diversity

Oct. 20:
W.E.B. Du Bois, ‘The Negro Problems of Philadelphia', ‘The Question of Earning a Living’ and ‘Color Prejudice’ (City Reader, Part 2)
William Julius Wilson, ‘From Institutional to Jobless Ghettos’ (City Reader, Part 2)
Norman Fainstein.  "Race, Class, and Segregation:  Discourse about African Americans,"  in Readings in Urban Theory
Roger Lawson and William Julius Wilson. "Poverty, Social Rights and the Quality of Citizenship," in Readings in Urban Theory

Oct. 25:
June Manning Thomas, "Educating planners: unified diversity for social action," in Readings in Planning Theory.
June Manning Thomas, "The Minority-race Planner in the Quest for a Just City"
William W. Goldsmith. "From the Metropolis to Globalization: The Dialectics of Race and Urban Form," in Readings in Urban Theory
Umemoto, Karen. 2001. Walking in Another's Shoes: Epistemological Challenges in Participatory Planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research 21 (1):17-31.

see also:
Cohen, Lizabeth. "Residence: Inequality in Mass Suburbia," in A Consumers' Republic. New York: Vintage, 2003, pp. 194-256.
APA Diversity Task Force, Increasing Diversity in the Planning Profession: A Report on the 2004 Minority Planning Summit and Recommendation for Future Action (March 2005) American Planning Association. pdf file.
Jargowsky, Paul A. "Sprawl, Concentration of Poverty, and Urban Inequality," in Squires, Gregory D., ed. Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses. Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute Press. 2002, pp. 39-69.
Sugrue, Thomas. The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2005 (reprint). pp.180-229. (Chs. 7 and 8)

Expert Report of Eric Foner, Gratz, et al. v. Bollinger, et al., No. 97-75321(E.D. Mich.)


Oct 27: Gender, Equity and the City

Dolores Hayden, excerpt from Redesigning the American Dream, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Leonie Sandercock, "Towards cosmopolis: utopia as construction site," in Readings in Planning Theory.
Iris Marion Young, "City Life and Difference," in Readings in Planning Theory.
Ali Madanipour, ‘Social Exclusion and Space’ (City Reader, Part 3)
Frisch, Michael. 2001. "Planning as a Heterosexist Project." Journal of Planning Education and Research 21: 254-266.
Nussbaum, Martha C.  Women and human development. Ch 1 (selection): “In defense of universal values,” Cambridge University Press, 2000 [Sections I, II, IV:  pp. 39-59; 70-86] 

Metropolitan Planning: Suburbanization and Regionalism

Nov 1 - 3: The Origins, Future and Consequences (social, environmental) of Suburbia

Nov. 1:
Hall, Cities of Tomorrow (Chs. 3, 9) 
Fishman, Robert. "Bourgeois Utopias: Visions of Suburbia," in Readings in Urban Theory
Rybczynski, Witold. "Country Homes for City People," in City Life. New York: Touchstone / Simon & Schuster, 1995, pp. 173-196.
Kenneth T. Jackson, ‘The Drive-In Culture of Contemporary America’ (City Reader, Part 1)

Nov. 3:
Douglas Kelbaugh. "The New Urbanism," in Readings in Urban Theory
Carol Burns, Robert Campbell, Andres Duany, Jerold Kayden and Alex Krieger. "Urban or Suburban?" in Readings in Urban Theory
Brooks, David. "Out for a Drive," in On Paradise Drive. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004, pp. 15-64
Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, ‘The Neighborhood, the District, and the Corridor’ (City Reader, Part 3)

Cohen, Lizabeth. "Residence: Inequality in Mass Suburbia," in A Consumers' Republic. New York: Vintage, 2003, pp. 194-256.
Robert Fishman, "Global Suburbs" (URRC working paper)
Robert Lang and Edward Blakely, SUBURBS: In Search of the Real OC: Exploring the State of American Suburbs
Robert Lang, Thomas Sanchez and Jennifer LeFurgy, Beyond Edgeless Cities: Office Geography in the New Metropolis
America's new Utopias (The Economist)
New York Times Magazine:   "the Suburban Nation" (April 9, 2000)
Talen, Emily, and Cliff Ellis. 2002. Beyond Relativism: Reclaiming the Search for Good City Form. Journal of Planning Education and Research 22 (1):36-49.
The New York Times. 2010. Redefining What 'Home' Means [room for debate]. Sept. 7.

further resources (depending on your interests):
The Connection (NPR): radio show on sprawl (10/4/04) with images and links
Celebration (official site)
Andrés Duany, 2004. The Celebration Controversies, INTBAU, Vol. 1(8).
James Howard Kunstler, "Home from Nowhere," Atlantic Unbound.  (September, 1996) [NOTE: this version is truncated; a complete copy of the article will be added soon.]
"Sierra Club:  Sierra Club Stop Sprawl Campaignstate rankings, recent report and a sprawl map
an interview with Michael Pyatok, a leading architect of affordable new urban housing
Robert Geddes, "METROPOLIS UNBOUND:  The Sprawling American City and "(The American Prospect, 1997)
Congress for the New Urbanism
Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co:  Architects and Town Planners
PlannersWeb Sprawl Resource Guide
Smart Growth Network
Orton Family Foundation and writings on rural sprawl
Communal Studies Association (co-housing)
Denver's Stapleton housing (today's Levittown?)
"At Work in the Field of the Mouse: What do you get when a postmodernist ethnographer from New York City decides to live and work among the natives of Disney's neo-utopian Florida town?" Atlantic Unbound. by Mark Dery (September 15, 1999) [subscription may be required]
an extensive list of readings about the new metropolis on Virginia Tech's Metropolitan Institute's web page.
the downside of the auto-dependent culture: automobile fatalities

  Essay Two due Nov 1



Nov 8: Regional Planning: Social, Environmental and Economic Impulses

Hall, Peter.  2002.  Cities of Tomorrow.      (Chs. 5) 
Fishman, Robert. 2000. "The Death and Life of American Regional Planning." In Reflections on Regionalism, edited by B. Katz. Washington: Brookings Inst. pdf file
Mumford, Lewis. 1986. The Ideal Form of the Modern City. In The Lewis Mumford reader. New York: Pantheon Books.
Anthony Downs, ‘The Need For a New Vision For the Development of Large U.S. Metropolitan Areas’ (City Reader, Part 4)
Myron Orfield, ‘Fiscal Equity’ (City Reader, Part 4)

see also:
Greenbelt communities build under FDR in 1935: Greenbelt, MD; Greenhills, OH; Greendale, WI.
examples: TVA , regional councils of government , Regional Plan Association (NY)


Core Questions: Should we plan? How should we plan?

Nov 10 - 15: Arguments for and Against Planning

Nov. 10:
Richard Klosterman.   "Arguments for and Against Planning" in Readings in Planning Theory 
Richard E. Foglesong, "Planning the Capitalist City" in Readings in Planning Theory 
Harvey, David. 1985. On Planning the Ideology of Planning. In The Urbanization of Capital. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Nov. 15:
Peter Gordon, "Plan Obsolescence"
Campbell, Heather and Robert Marshall, Utilitarianism’s Bad Breath? A Re-evalution of the Public Interest Justification for Planning. Planning Theory, 1(2) (2002), 163-87.

see also:
browse the e-journal Planning & Markets
a short piece by the economist Friedrich Hayek, who was a notable mid-century critic of planning
Peter Gordon, Hayek and Cities: Guidelines for Regional Scientists ; The Sprawl Debate : Let Markets Plan [Adobe PDF Format]

  PB analysis due Nov 17

Nov 17 - 22: How should we plan? Traditional Approaches

Nov. 17:
Altshuler, Alan, "The Goals of Comprehensive Planning"
Charles E. Lindblom. "The Science of Muddling Through," in Readings in Planning Theory.
Paul Davidoff. "Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning," in Readings in Planning Theory.

Nov. 22:
Jerome L. Kaufman and Harvey M. Jacobs. "A Public Planning Perspective on Strategic Planning,"
Norman Krumholz. "A Retrospective View of Equity Planning: Cleveland, 1969-1979,"
Susan S. Fainstein and Norman I. Fainstein. "City Planning and Political Values: An Updated View"  

see also:
Rittel, Horst W.J., and Melvin M. Webber. 1973. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences 4:155-169. [new addition]
Michael Neuman, "Does Planning need the Plan?" (APA Conference, 1999) [ link]
David Rouse, Todd Michael Chandler, and Jon Arason, "The 21st Century Comprehensive Plan," (APA Conference, 1999)
UC Berkeley (CED Library): Finding General Plans
City of Ann Arbor: Planning Services, including information on citizen participation process. City of Ann Arbor Master Plan.
City of Detroit Master Plan
example of strategic plan: Dubai Strategic Plan


Nov 24: How should we plan? Recent Alternative Approaches

Patsy Healey.  "The communicative turn in planning theory and its implications for spatial strategy formation,"  In Readings in Planning Theory
Flyvbjerg, Bent and Tim Richardson, "Planning and Foucault: In Search of the Dark Side of Planning Theory"
John Friedmann, "Toward a non-Euclidian mode of planning," in Readings in Planning Theory
Mark Pennington, "A Hayekian Liberal Critique of Collaborative Planning,"

see also:
David C. Perry, "Making Space: Planning as a Mode of Thought," in Readings in Planning Theory
Flyvbjerg, Bent, "Power has a rationality that rationality does not know," in Readings in Planning TheoryHealey, Patsy. 2006. Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies. 2nd ed: Palgrave Macmillan.  (excerpt:  Chapter 1: “Traditions of Planning Thought”, pp. 7-30)
Dalton, Linda. 1986. Why the Rational Paradigm Persists: The Resistance of Professional Education and Practice to Alternative Forms of Planning
Judith E. Innes.  "Information in Communicative Planning," (APA Conference, 1999).  [temporary link]
Brindley, Tim, Yvonne Rydin, and Gerry Stoker, "Popular planning: Coin Street, London," in Readings in Planning Theory
Howell S. Baum, "Community and Consensus: Reality and Fantasy in Planning," in Readings in Planning Theory
Frank Fischer.  "Risk Assessment and Environmental Crisis: Toward an Integration of Science and Participation,"  In Readings in Planning Theory
Flyvbjerg, Bent. 2002. Bringing Power to Planning Research: One Researcher's Praxis Story. Journal of Planning Education and Research 21 (4):353-366.
William H. Lucy. "APA's Ethical Principles Include Simplistic Planning Theories," In Readings in Planning Theory
Watson, Vanessa. 2002. Do We Learn from Planning Practice? The Contribution of the Practice Movement to Planning Theory. Journal of Planning Education and Research 22 (2):178-187.
John Forester.  "Learning from Practice Stories:  The Priority of Practical Judgment," 
John Forester, ‘Planning In the Face of Conflict’ (City Reader, Part 6)

American Planning Association: Ethics [new link]


The ECONOMIC City, The Ecological city

Nov 29: Economic Development & the Changing Urban Economy

Norman Krumholz, "Equitable approaches to local economic development" in Readings in Planning Theory
Michael Porter, ‘The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City’ (City Reader, Part 4)

Richard Florida, ‘The Creative Class’ (City Reader, Part 2)
Logan, John, and Harvey Molotch. The City as a Growth Machine. In Readings in Urban Theory.

see also:
Squires, Gregory D. Partnership and the Pursuit of the Private City. In Readings in Urban Theory.
Wilbur Thompson, ‘The City as Distorted Price System’ (City Reader, Part 4)
Mia Gray, Elyse Golob, Ann Markusen, Sam Ock Park. 2002. "New Industrial Cities? The Four Faces of Silicon Valley," in Readings in Urban Theory
Joe Painter. 2002. "Regulation Theory, Post-Fordism and Urban Politics,"
in Readings in Urban Theory
Levy, John M. What Local Economic Developers Actually Do:  Location Quotients versus Press Releases. In Readings in Planning Theory.
Hall, Peter.  Cities of Tomorrow   (Ch. 11)

Dec 1: Theorizing the Sustainable City

World Commission on Environment & Development, ‘Towards Sustainable Development’ (City Reader, Part 5)
Matt Ridley and Bobbi S. Low.  1993.  "Can Selfishness Save the Environment?,"  Atlantic Monthly (September).
Campbell, Scott. "Green Cities, Growing Cities?  Ecology, Economics and the Contradictions of Urban Planning," In Readings in Planning Theory.
Hayward, Steven F. "A Sensible Environmentalism." Public Interest, Vol. 151, No. Spring, 2003, pp. 62-74.
Marcuse, Peter. 1998. Sustainability is not enough. Planners Network May (129):1-10.

see also:
Peter Calthorpe and William Fulton, ‘Designing the Region’ and ‘Designing the Region is Designing the Neighborhood’ (City Reader, Part 5)
Timothy Beatley, ‘Planning For Sustainability in European Cities’ (City Reader, Part 6)
Stephen Wheeler, ‘Planning Sustainable and Livable Cities’ (City Reader, Part 8)
cyburbia:  Sustainable Development (index of web sites)
CDC Healthy Places web page
Aaron Sachs. "Virtual Ecology: A Brief Environmental History of Silicon Valley," in Readings in Urban Theory
Hall, Peter.  Cities of Tomorrow   (Ch. 12)

  Essay Three due Friday Dec 3 (revised date)

Changing Cityscapes: Future Challenges to Urban Planning

Dec 6: The Future of the City: Globalization, Megacities, Informational Society

Peter Hall,  "Megacities, world cities and global cities"
Saskia Sassen.  "Cities in a World Economy,"  In Readings in Urban Theory
Saskia Sassen, ‘The Impact of New Technologies and Globalization on Cities’ (City Reader, Part 3)
Susan S. Fainstein.  "The Changing World Economy and Urban Restructuring,"  In Readings in Urban Theory
Manuel Castells, ‘European Cities, The Informational Age and the Global Economy’ (City Reader, Part 8)
Aprodicio A. Laquian, ‘The Emergence of Mega-Urban Regions in Asia’ (City Reader, Part 8)

additional (optional) readings:
Graham, S. and Marvin, S. (1999), "Planning Cyber-Cities? Integrating Telecommunications into Urban Planning", Town Planning Review, January 1999. pdf file [fix link]
GRAHAM, S. and MARVIN, S. (2001), Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructure, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition, London: Routledge. excerpt: Introduction. pdf file [fix link]
William J. Mitchell, ‘The Teleserviced City’ (City Reader, Part 8)
Michael Batty and Andrew Hudson-Smith. 2005. Imagining the Recursive City: Explorations in Urban Simulacra. (CASA Working Paper 98) pdf file
Graham, S. (1996) Towards Urban Cyberspace Planning Grounding the Global Through Urban Telematics Policy and Planning (previously published as Working Paper No. 59) pdf file
Stephen Goldsmith, 'The coming digital polis'
Shiode, Narushige. 2000. "Urban Planning, Information Technology, and Cyberspace," Journal of Urban Technology, Volume 7, Number 2, pages 105-126. [online via UM library]
Kheir al-Kodmany, 2000. Using Web-based technologies and GIS in Community Planning,Journal of Urban Technology, V. 7 #1, 1-30 . [in the library]
Simon Guy; Stephen Graham; Simon Marvin. 1997. "Splintering Networks: Cities and Technical Networks in 1990s," Urban Studies 34 (2) February. [online via UM library]
E-Space:  the Electronic Space Project
Gigalopolis (ncgia)
Augmented Round Table for Architecture and Urban Planning
Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network, Loughborough University, UK and their on-line publications, including
J.V. Beaverstock, R.G. Smith and P.J. Taylor, "A Roster of World Cities"
P. Hall, "Christaller for a Global Age: Redrawing the Urban Hierarchy"
other megacities lectures from the Megacities Initiative (NL)
Saskia Sassen. "The Global City: Strategic Site/New Frontier." American Studies, Vol. 41, No. 2/3, Summer/Fall 2000, pp. 79-95.
Sassen, Saskia. "New frontiers facing urban sociology at the Millennium." The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan/Mar 2000. pp. 143-159.
Scott Campbell, "The Changing Role and Identity of Capital Cities in the Global Era"
Narushige Shiode, An Outlook for Urban Planning in Cyberspace:Toward the construction of Cyber Cities with the application of unique characteristics of cyberspace; (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London).
Friedmann, John. “The Good City: In Defense of Utopian Thinking,” International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, 24, 2 (2000), 460-472


The Final Week

Dec 8: Review Session - Lecture (summary of major course themes) + Question and Answer

Susan S. Fainstein, "New Directions in Planning Theory," in Readings in Planning Theory.
Richard T. Legates, Epilogue ‘Urban Studies and Planning’ (City Reader, Part 8)

see also:
Howe, Joe, and Colin Langdon. 2002. Towards a reflexive planning theory. Planning Theory 1 (3):209-225.
Brooks, Michael P. "Four Critical Junctures in the History of the Urban Planning Profession: An Exercise in Hindsight," JAPA,Vol. 54, No. 2, Spring 1988, pp. 241-248. Plus comments in 55(1) Winter 89 by Cisneros, Marcuse, Teitz, and Weiss.

study guide


Dec 13: In-class Exam

[exam information]

EXTRA OFFICE HOURS: In addition to my posted office hours, I will be available in my office the Friday before the exam (Dec. 10) from 10:00 am- 12:00 noon and from 1:00 - 3:00 pm to answer any questions. Feel free to come by individually or as a group for an informal discussion. No need to sign up -- just stop by anytime during that time.