Urban Planning 540: PLANNING THEORY
Fall 2013
Tu + Th 9:00 - 10:30 a.m., room 1227, Art & Arch Bldg

GSI: Alexandria Stankovich amstanko(at)umich.edu  
optional discussion session: Thurs, 12-1 pm, 2210 A&AB

course overview
discussion hour
planning timeline
central questions of planning

debates in planning theory
terms and concepts
other theory readings
research links
writing advice
syllabus for 2012
ctools site

Prof. Scott D. Campbell
College of Architecture and Urban Planning
University Of Michigan
Office hours sign-up
office:  2225C A&AB
class listserv: up540f13@ctools.umich.edu

Readings 4 formats:
(1) textbooks;
(2) online via ctools [authentication required];
(3) ebrary (UM Library online)
(4) available directly on the www.

GSI review sessions: Friday, Dec 6 (5:00-6:00 PM) + Saturday, Dec 7 (4:00-5:00 PM) in 2108 A&AB.
study guide for final exam
class blog theme: images of public spaces
see this new MUP student F.A.Q.

updated:  Thursday, July 10, 2014 4:01 PM


September October November December
3 5 10 12 17 19* 24 26 1 3 8 10 15 17 22 24 29 31 5 7 12 14 19 21 26 28 3 5 10
intro big ideas urban history/planning history justifications & planning styles social justice & sustainability metropolitan scale future/global final week


READINGS FOR SEMESTER. If citation has no online link or is not from an assigned textbook, then the reading is available through ctools. The reading list includes both required and recommended (i.e., "see also") texts; the latter are optional.


Sep 3: Course Introduction

see also (useful as an introduction to planning):
Frank, Nancy. 2002. Rethinking Planning Theory for a Master's-Level Curriculum. Journal of Planning Education and Research 21 (3):320-330.
Cullingworth, Barry, and Roger W. Caves. "The Nature of Planning," in Planning in the USA: Policies, Issues, and Processes, 2nd edition. New York: Routledge, 2003, pp. 5-26.


Sep 5: Leitmotifs in Planning Theory (the shift from the rural to the urban; the meaning and function of cities; the separation of space and community; the persistent economic advantage of cities)

Simmel, Georg. "The Metropolis and Mental Life," in The Sociology of Georg Simmel, translated by Kurt H. Wolff Glencoe: The Free Press, 1950, pp. 409-424.
Mumford, Lewis, ‘What Is a City?’
Webber, Melvin ‘The Post-City Age’
Glaeser, Edward L. "Why Economists Still Like Cities." City Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1996, pp. 70-77.
Lehmann, Nicholas, "Get out of Town: Has the Celebration of Cities Gone to Far?" The New Yorker, Jun 27, 2011

see also:
Louis Wirth, ‘Urbanism as a Way of Life’

(read every article carefully beforehand; be ready to discuss and to debate)


Sep 10: Leitmotifs in Planning Theory (climate and livable cities; religion and the city; can cities be "solved"?)

Arsenault, Raymond. 1984. "The End of the Long Hot Summer: The Air Conditioner and Southern Culture." The Journal of Southern History 50 (4):597-628.
Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit, ‘The Occidental City’
Kotkin, Joel. 2005. The Urban Future. In LeGates, Richard and Frederic Stout, eds. 2007. The City Reader (4th edition). Routledge.
Lehrer, Jonah, 2010, A Physicist Solves the City (The New York Times).pdf
Bettencourt and West, A unified theory of urban living, Nature
Rittel, Horst W.J., and Melvin M. Webber. 1973. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences 4:155-169.

(read every article carefully beforehand; be ready to discuss and to debate)

see also:
Bettencourt, Luís M. A., José Lobo, Deborah Strumsky, Geoffrey B. West, 2010, Urban Scaling and Its Deviations: Revealing the Structure of Wealth, Innovation and Crime across Cities, PLoS ONE (www.plosone.org) 1 November 2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 11 | e1354.
Teitz, Michael B. "American Planning in the 1990s: Evolution, Debate and Challenge." Urban Studies, Vol. 33, No. 4/5, May 1996, pp. 649-671.
Teitz, Michael B. "American Planning in the 1990s: Part II, The Dilemma of the Cities." Urban Studies, Vol. 34, No. 5/6, May 1997, pp. 775-796.

20TH CENTURY Planning History: from garden cities to modernism

Sep 12: The Garden City as the Marriage of Town and Country (examples: Letchworth, Welwyn, Radburn)

first, read about the garden city in Ebenezer Howard's own words (originally published in 1898 as To-Morrow: a peaceful path to real reform, republished in 1902 as Garden Cities of To-Morrow).
no need to read the entire book -- though short -- but do read enough to get a sense of both the goals and the specific features of Garden Cities. (e.g., these sections are a good start: Introduction, I-II, XII-XIII.)

Several sources:

  • the 1902 edition (London, S. Sonnenschein & co., ltd.): HathiTrust link; or at archive.org. Also try google books link.
  • or the 1965 MIT Press edition. [google book link]
  • see also an excerpt at at John Rep's Cornell site.

second, read these interpretations/critiques of Howard:, I-II
Hall, Peter.  2002.  Cities of Tomorrow.  (Chs. 1-4) 
Ruth Eckdish Knack, "Garden Cities"
Garvin, Alexander. 1998. Are Garden Cities Still Relevant? In Revolutionary Ideas in Planning?Proceedings of the 1988 National Planning Conference. Boston: AICP Press.

optional/further reading and context:
a chronology of planning history [useful to follow the sequencing of events, ideas, movements]
Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives (hypertext)
Planned Communities / New Towns (George Mason U.)
Utopia - The Search for the Ideal Society (NY Public Library)
H-Utopia Discussion Group
Society for Utopian Studies
on Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward



Sep 17: City Beautiful Movement: Daniel Burnham, the 1893 World Columbian Exposition (Chicago), and the 1909 Plan of Chicago

Hall, Ch. 6; 
Wilson, "The Glory, Destruction, and Meaning of the City Beautiful Movement,"

see also:
Encyclopedia of Chicago: The Plan of Chicago
Loos, Adolf, and Adolf Opel. 1998. Ornament and crime : selected essays, Studies in Austrian literature, culture, and thought. Riverside, Calif.: Ariadne Press. (Chapter: 29: Ornament and Crime).
Gilbert, James Burkhart. 1991. Perfect cities: Chicago's utopias of 1893. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Chapter 4: "First City: Form and Fantasy"
Chicago's Columbian Exposition of 1893  including "Idea, Experience, Aftermath"
Chicago History Museum
Chronological history of Chicago (timeline)
UVA's "The Capitol Project:  "City Beautiful" and "the 1901 Plan for Washington, D.C."
Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.  "The City Beautiful,"  The Builder (July 7, 1911):15-17. 
you might also see:
Erik Larson. 2003. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America - Crown Pub. [NOT on reserve, but on the best-seller lists]

Note: Where is there a piece of the 1893 Columbian Exposition on the UM campus? answer


Sep 19: The City in Film

[Note: since many students will likely miss this session due to the Expanded Horizons trip Sept 18-22, I have scheduled an entertaining session for those students who will be in town: excerpts from several films on cities + informal discussion. I welcome your suggestions on films. I will poll the class to find out how many of you will be on Expanded Horizons.]

Possible films shown in class (excerpts):

  • The City (1939; 32 minutes; Commentary:  Lewis Mumford:  music;  Aaron Copeland; American Institute of Planners/Civic Films, Inc.). link
  • Charley in New Town (1948, 8 minutes; “COI Presents” / “Central Office of Information”, UK) link, more info
  • The Dynamic American City (1956, 28 minutes; US Chamber of Commerce) link + link (in two parts)
  • Give yourself the Green Light (1954, 24 minutes; General Motors Corp./Handy Jam Corp.) link
  • House in the Middle, The (1954, 12 minutes; National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association; Sponsor: National Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Bureau. Produced with the cooperation of the Federal Civil Defense Administration.) link
  • The Fifth Element (1997) [info from IMDB]
  • Blade Runner (1982) [info from IMDB]

Other possibilities:



Sep 24: The Legacy of Modernist Planning and Architecture

Hall, Ch. 7
Le Corbusier, ‘A Contemporary City’
Mumford, Lewis. 1986. "Yesterday's City of Tomorrow." In The Lewis Mumford reader. New York: Pantheon Books.
Wright, Frank Lloyd. 1935. Broadacre City: A New Community Plan. In LeGates, Richard and Frederic Stout, eds. 2007. The City Reader (4th edition). Routledge.
Fishman, Robert. 1982. "Conclusion," in Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century. New York, NY: Basic Books, pp. 265 - 277

see also:
Glazer, Nathan. "The Social Agenda of Architecture," in From a Cause to a Style. Princeton, 2007, pp. 271-292.
Glazer, Nathan. "The Public's Image of the Profession," in The Profession of City Planning: Changes, Images, and Challenges, edited by Lloyd Rodwin and Bishwapriya Sanyal. New Jersey: Center for Urban Policy Research, 2000, pp. 224-230. [citations updated]

New York World's Fair (1939): To New Horizons (1940) • The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair (1939)• The Shock of the New (Robert Hughes, 1980), Episode 4: Trouble in Utopia (including sections on Philip Johnson, Le Corbusier, the Bauhaus, and Brasilia)

      Essay One due Oct 1

Sep 26 - Oct 1: Two Visions of Postwar American Cities: Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs

Sep 26: Robert Moses and Discussion [GSI led]

Berman, Marshall. 1988. All That is Solid Melts into Air. New York: Penguin. (excerpt)
Cleveland Rodgers (1939).  "Robert Moses:  An Atlantic Portrait,"  The Atlantic Monthly,  

Oct. 1: Jane Jacobs
Jane Jacobs.  The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961 (online full text available through UM Libraries ebrary)

  • Introduction (in Readings in Planning Theory)
  • Ch. 7, "The Generators of Diversity"
  • Ch. 21, "The kind of problem a city is,"

Montgomery, Roger. 1998. "Is There Still Life in The Death and Life?" Journal of the American Planning Association 64 (3):269-274.
"The Metropolis Observed: Jane Jacobs at 81"  Metropolis online (April 1998)  [updated link]
Lloyd Rodwin. 1961. "Neighbors Are Needed " (a review of The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs). New York Times, Nov. 5.

see also:
audio: speeches by Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs (Jacobs vs. Moses in WNYC's History, The Brian Lehrer Show, WNYC).
"Robert Moses & the Modern City" (web site @ Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University)
Robert Moses (1962) "Are Cities Dead?"The Atlantic Monthly, January.
Whyte, William H. 1987. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. In The Public Face of Architecture: Civic Culture and Public Spaces, edited by Glazer, Nathan and Lilla, Mark. New York: Free Press.
"Godmother of the American City," Metropolis online (March 2001) [updated link]
Robert Moses:  Cross-Bronx Expressway, Triborough Bridge
Erica Pearson, "The Power Broker Revisited," Gotham Gazette, (August 18, 2003)
100 years of Times Square (NY Times)
Altshuler, Alan A., and David Luberoff "Mega-Projects and Urban Theory," in Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment. Washington, D.C.; Cambridge, MA Brookings Institution Press; Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2003, pp. 45-75.
Pogrebin, Robin. 2007. Rehabilitating Robert Moses. The New York Times. January 23 html
"The Godfather of Sprawl," The Atlantic Monthly, May 26, 1999.
1953 interview with Robert Moses (video link)
"The World that Moses Built" (video link) -- highly recommended.
Nicolai Ouroussoff, 2006. "Outgrowing Jane Jacobs and Her New York," The New York Times, April 30. link
"Time for Some Jane Jacobs Revisionism?" The New York Times, November 1, 2007. link.
Documentary Movie: "The World that Moses Built" (PBS, American Experience series, 1989) link

Core Questions: Should we plan? How should we plan?

Oct 3 - 8: Arguments for and Against Planning

Oct 3:
Richard E. Foglesong, "Planning the Capitalist City" in Readings in Planning Theory
Richard Klosterman.   "Arguments for and Against Planning"
Garrett Hardin, 1968. The Tragedy of the Commons. Science, Vol. 162 no. 3859, pp. 1243-1248 [link]

see also:
Robert Axelrod; William D. Hamilton, 1981. The Evolution of Cooperation, Science, New Series, Vol. 211, No. 4489. (Mar. 27, 1981), pp. 1390-1396.
Alexander, Ernest R. 2004. Capturing the Public Interest : Promoting Planning in Conservative Times. Journal of Planning Education and Research 24:102.

Oct 8:
Campbell, Heather and Robert Marshall, "Utilitarianism’s Bad Breath? A Re-evalution of the Public Interest Justification for Planning." in Readings in Planning Theory 
Peter Gordon, "Plan Obsolescence", Reason, 1998.
Friedrich Hayek, 1945. The Use of Knowledge in Society. American Economic Review, XXXV, No. 4; September, 519-30.

see also:
Harvey, David. "On Planning the Ideology of Planning," in The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization.
browse the e-journal Planning & Markets
Peter Gordon, Hayek and Cities: Guidelines for Regional Scientists ; The Sprawl Debate : Let Markets Plan [Adobe PDF Format]
Harper, Thomas L., and Stanley M. Stein. 1995. Out of the Postmodern Abyss: Preserving the Rationale for Liberal Planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research 14 (4):233-244.
Terry Moore (1978): Why Allow Planners to Do What They Do? A Justification from Economic Theory, Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 44:4, 387-398. [newly added]

class blog theme: arguments for/against planning [read and add your own text and/or visual entry]


Oct 10 - 17: How should we plan? Traditional Approaches

Oct 10:
Susan S. Fainstein, Planning Theory and the City, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Altshuler, Alan, "The Goals of Comprehensive Planning"
Charles E. Lindblom, The Science of Muddling Through, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Paul Davidoff, Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning, in Readings in Planning Theory.

Oct 15: No Class (Fall Study Break)

Oct 17:
Jerome L. Kaufman and Harvey M. Jacobs. "A Public Planning Perspective on Strategic Planning,"
Norman Krumholz. "A Retrospective View of Equity Planning: Cleveland, 1969-1979,"
Susan S. Fainstein and Norman I. Fainstein. "City Planning and Political Values: An Updated View"
American Institute of Certified Planners, Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, in Readings in Planning Theory

also: hand-out for in-class group exercise on comparative advantages/disadvantages of planning styles [to be added]

click for larger image


Oct 22: How should we plan? Recent Alternative Approaches

John Forester, Challenges of Deliberation and Participation, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Bent Flyvbjerg, Bringing Power to Planning Research: One Researcher's Praxis Story, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Flyvbjerg, Bent and Tim Richardson, "Planning and Foucault: In Search of the Dark Side of Planning Theory"
Mark Pennington, "A Hayekian Liberal Critique of Collaborative Planning"

also: hand-out for in-class exercise/role-playing on styles of planning applied to a brownfield adaptive-reuse scenario [to be added]
add your answers to the collectively-authored google docs table of planning styles [to be added]

see also:
Brooks, Michael P. 2002. Planning Theory for Practitioners (Ch. 9: "Decentralized Non-Rationality: the Planner as Communicator), APA Press. [new addition]
Charles J. Hoch, 2007. Pragmatic Communicative Action Theory. Journal of Planning Education and Research; 26; 272.
Patsy Healey, Traditions of Planning Thought, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Frank Fischer, Public Policy as Discursive Construct: Social Meaning and Multiple Realities, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Judith E. Innes & David E. Booher (2004): Reframing public participation: strategies for the 21st century, Planning Theory & Practice, 5:4, 419-436


click to run your own google ngram of planning styles ( add your own search terms)


Social Justice, SUSTAINABILITY and the City: Race, Ethnicity, Diversity, Gender

Oct 24-29: Race, Ethnicity, Diversity

Oct 24:
Iris Marion Young, Inclusion and Democracy, in Readings in Planning Theory
Ruth Fincher and Kurt Iveson , Conceptualizing Recognition in Planning, in Readings in Urban Theory.
June Manning Thomas, "Educating planners: unified diversity for social action", Journal of Planning Education and Research, 1996, 15: 171.

Oct 29:
June Manning Thomas, The Minority-race Planner in the Quest for a Just City, in Readings in Planning Theory
Fainstein, Susan S.  Cities and Diversity: Should we want it? Can we plan for it? in Readings in Urban Theory.
Umemoto, Karen. 2001. Walking in Another's Shoes: Epistemological Challenges in Participatory Planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research 21 (1):17-31.

see also:
APA Diversity Web portal
APA Diversity Task Force, Increasing Diversity in the Planning Profession: A Report on the 2004 Minority Planning Summit and Recommendation for Future Action (March 2005) American Planning Association. pdf file.
Diversity Matters at Michigan (UM site with many useful links, including research)
Majora Carter: Greening the ghetto (TED Talk, Feb 2006)
Leonardo Vazquez, 2002. "Diversity and the Planning Profession," Planners Network. [link]
Planners of Color Interest Group (POCIG), Survey of Diversity and Minority Faculty Perceptions of Institutional Climate of Planning Schools (Climate Survey), Recommendations Prepared by the POCIG Policy and Advocacy Committee, 2010. [link] • comments by Mel King to POCIG meeting (2012) [link]
Jargowsky, Paul A. "Sprawl, Concentration of Poverty, and Urban Inequality," in Squires, Gregory D., ed. Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses. Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute Press. 2002, pp. 39-69.
Sugrue, Thomas. The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2005 (reprint). pp.180-229. (Chs. 7 and 8)
Mier, Robert. 1994. Some observations on race in planning. Journal of the American Planning Association. 60. 2 (Spring 1994): 235-240.
Harvey, David. 2009. Social Justice and the City (Revised Edition). Atlanta: University of Georgia Press. [ebrary]
Freeman, Lance. 2006. There Goes the 'Hood : Views of Gentrification from the Ground Up. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. [ebrary]
Peggy McIntosh, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack [link]
Chesler, Mark. 1997. Perceptions of Faculty Behavior by Students of Color (CRLT Occasional Paper #7).
an interesting recent "Room for Debate" at the New York Times: "The South's Enduring Conservativism" (October 2, 2012)
Jeffrey S. Lowe. Lack of Diversity in Southern Academia What Can Progressive Planners Do? Progressive Planning, No. 195 (Spring): 6-9. [link]

      PB analysis due Oct 29

Oct 31: Gender, Equity and the City

Dolores Hayden, Nurturing: Home, Mom and Apple Pie, in Readings in Planning Theory
Michael Frisch, Planning as a Heterosexist Project, in Readings in Planning Theory
Gwendolyn Wright, Women's Aspirations and the Home: Episodes in American Feminist Reform, in Readings in Urban Theory.
Susan Moller Okin, Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? in Readings in Urban Theory.

see also:

Chant, Sylvia. 2013. Cities through a ''gender lens'': a golden ''urban age'' for women in the global South? Environment and Urbanization 25: 9-29.
Barbara Rahder and Carol Altilia, Where is Feminism in Planning Going? Appropriation or Transformation? Planning Theory, July 2004; vol. 3, 2: pp. 107-116.
Jacqueline Leavitt, Where's the gender in community development? Signs; Autumn 2003; 29, 1; 207-230.
Nussbaum, Martha C.  Women and human development. Ch 1 (selection): “In defense of universal values,” Cambridge University Press, 2000 [Sections I, II, IV:  pp. 39-59; 70-86]
Ann Forsyth, 2001. Sexuality and Space: Nonconformist Populations and Planning Practice, Journal of Planning Literature, Vol. 15, No. 3 (February), 339-58.
Doan, P. and H. Higgins. 2011. "The Demise of Queer Space? Resurgent Gentrification and LGBT Neighborhoods," Journal of Planning Education and Research. 31, 1: 6-25.
Rebecca Solnit, "Walking After Midnight: Women, Sex, and Public Place" in Wanderlust: A History of Walking. [to be added]
Massey, Doreen B. 1999. Space, Place, and Gender. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. [ebrary]

Nov 5: Theorizing the Sustainable City

Low, Nicholas and Brendan Gleeson. 1998. Justice, society, and nature: an exploration of political ecology. London; New York: Routledge. (Ch. 5 "Environmental Justice: Distributing Environmental Quality," pp. 102-132).
Campbell, Scott. "Green Cities, Growing Cities?  Ecology, Economics and the Contradictions of Urban Planning," In Readings in Planning Theory.
Hayward, Steven F. "A Sensible Environmentalism." Public Interest, Vol. 151, No. Spring, 2003, pp. 62-74.
Marcuse, Peter. 1998. Sustainability is not enough. Planners Network May (129):1-10.

Please complete a short online survey on sustainability (see your email for instructions)

see also:

Campbell, Scott. Sustainable Development and Social Justice:  Conflicting Urgencies and the Search for Common Ground in Urban and Regional Planning (Michigan Journal of Sustainability, Vol 1, 2013)
Thomas L. Daniels (2009): A Trail Across Time: American Environmental Planning From City Beautiful to Sustainability, Journal of the American Planning Association, 75:2, 178-192
Swyngedouw, E. and N.C. Heynen, 2003. Urban Political Ecology, Justice and the Politics of Scale. Antipode: A Journal of Radical Geography. 35(5): 898-918.
Eric J. Heikkila (2011): Environmentalism with Chinese Characteristics? Urban River Revitalization in Foshan, Planning Theory & Practice, 12:01, 33-55

also: you are strongly encouraged to attend this major event on race, social justice and planning (linked to Essay Two):

  • Friday, Nov 1: Urban and Regional Planning Symposium [details to be posted]


      Essay Two due Tuesday, Nov 12 (in class)

Metropolitan Planning: Suburbanization and Regionalism

Nov 7: The Origins and Consequences (social, environmental) of Suburbia

Hall, Cities of Tomorrow (Chs. 3, 5, 9) 
Fishman, Robert. "Bourgeois Utopias: Visions of Suburbia,"in Fainstein, Susan S., and Scott Campbell, eds. 2002. Readings in Urban Theory. revised second edition. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, pp. 21-31. (original: Fishman, Robert. 1987. Bourgeois Utopias: the rise and fall of suburbia. New York: Basic Books.).
Rybczynski, Witold. "Country Homes for City People," in City Life. New York: Touchstone / Simon & Schuster, 1995, pp. 173-196.
Cohen, Lizabeth. "Residence: Inequality in Mass Suburbia," in A Consumers' Republic. New York: Vintage, 2003, pp. 194-256.

see also:
Fishman, Robert. Bourgeois utopias: the rise and fall of suburbia (limited google view)
Fishman, Robert. 2000. "The Death and Life of American Regional Planning." In Reflections on Regionalism, edited by B. Katz. Washington: Brookings Inst. [on ctools]


Nov 12: The Future of Suburban Spaces: Edge Cities, New Urbanism, Retrofitting Suburbia

Fishman, Robert, The Fifth Migration, in Readings in Urban Theory
Brooks, David. "Out for a Drive," in On Paradise Drive. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004, pp. 15-64
Kunstler, James Howard. "Home From Nowhere." Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 278, No. 3, September 1996.
Talen, Emily, Connecting New Urbanism and American Planning: An Historical Interpretation, in Readings in Urban Theory.

see also:
Robert Lang and Edward Blakely, 2006. SUBURBS: In Search of the Real OC: Exploring the State of American Suburbs. The Next American City. p. 16.
Robert Lang, Thomas Sanchez and Asli Ceylan Oner. 2009. Beyond Edgeless Cities: Office Geography in the New Metropolis. Urban Geography 30, 7, pp. 726–755. [updated link - also in ctools]
America's new Utopias (The Economist)
New York Times Magazine:   "the Suburban Nation" (April 9, 2000)
Talen, Emily, and Cliff Ellis. 2002. Beyond Relativism: Reclaiming the Search for Good City Form. Journal of Planning Education and Research 22 (1):36-49.
The New York Times. 2010. Redefining What 'Home' Means [room for debate]. Sept. 7.
Congress for the New Urbanism
plus: these books on suburbia are available on ebrary: Robert Lewis, Manufacturing Suburbs: Building Work and Home on the Metropolitan Fringe; Lang, Robert and Jennifer LeFurgy, Boomburbs : The Rise of America's Accidental Cities; Hanlon, Bernadette, Once the American Dream : Inner-Ring Suburbs of the Metropolitan United States; Beauregard, Robert A. , When America Became Suburban; Bruegmann, Robert, Sprawl : A Compact History; Saunders, William and Robert Fishman, Sprawl and Suburbia : A Harvard Design Magazine Reader.

post your answers to the blog: the future of suburbia [to be added]


Nov 14: Regional Planning: Social, Environmental and Economic Impulses

Hall, Peter.  2002.  Cities of Tomorrow.      (Chs. 5) 
Fishman, Robert. 2000. "The Death and Life of American Regional Planning." In Reflections on Regionalism, edited by B. Katz. Washington: Brookings Inst (Part ONE, Ch. 4). [ebrary] (note: new link)
Mumford, Lewis. 1986. The Ideal Form of the Modern City. In The Lewis Mumford reader. New York: Pantheon Books.

see also:
Greenbelt communities build under FDR in 1935: Greenbelt, MD; Greenhills, OH; Greendale, WI. see also the "Greenbelt Museum"
examples: TVA , regional councils of government , Regional Plan Association (NY)
syllabus for UP523: Regional Planning


Changing Cityscapes & Future Challenges to Urban Planning: Public Space, Beyond Modernism, Restructuring, Globalization

Nov 19: Public Space, Public Interest and Privatization

Margaret Kohn, The Mauling of Public Space, in Readings in Planning Theory
Tim Love, Urban design after Battery Park City, in Readings in Planning Theory
Whyte, William H. "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces," in The Public Face of Architecture: Civic Culture and Public Spaces. New York: Free Press, 1987, pp. 292-310.
Neil Smith, "Gentrification, the Frontier, and the Restructuring of Urban Space", in Readings in Urban Theory.
Michael Sorkin, The End(s) of Urban Design, in Readings in Urban Theory.

see also:
Margaret Crawford, Blurring the Boundaries: Public Space and Private Life, in Readings in Urban Theory.
Donald McNeill, The 'Bilbao Effect', in Readings in Urban Theory.
Trevor Boddy, Overhead and Underground.
view the video by William H. Whyte, "Social Life of Small Urban Places," (Vimeo link) UPDATED - not great video quality, but a planning classic and Whyte's narrative is wry and insightful.

please post an image of public space and view images and captions provided by other students. Each student should post at least one image (with caption + source) before Tuesday's class (Nov 19). [to be added]


Nov 21: Are we still Modernists who believe in Progress?

James C. Scott, "Authoritarian High Modernism" in Readings in Planning Theory
Ellin, Nan. 1999. Themes of Postmodern Urbanism. In Postmodern urbanism. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. (excerpt: "Themes of Postmoderm Urbanism")
Sandercock, Leonie, "Mongrel Cities," in Readings in Planning Theory
Sharon Zukin, Changing Landscapes of Power: Opulence and the Urge for Authenticity, in Readings in Urban Theory

see also:
Kaika, Maria, and Erik Swyngedouw. "Fetishizing the Modern City: The Phantasmagoria of Urban Technological Networks." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 24, No. 1, March 2000, pp. 120-138.
Harvey, David. 1992. "Social Justice, Postmodernism and the City." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 16 (4):588-601.
Campbell, Scott, "Is 'Progress' No Longer Progressive? Reclaiming the Ideology of Progress in Planning," pdf file
Wampole, Christy. 2012. "How to Live Without Irony," The New York Times, November 17. link [that suggests a link between the post-modern stance and the shortcomings of irony]


Nov 26: Restructuring and Retheorizing: Economic Development & the Changing Urban Economy

Krugman, Paul. "Localization," in Geography and Trade. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 1991, pp. 35-67.
Porter, Michael. "New Strategies for Inner-City Economic Development." Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 1, February 1997, pp. 11-27.
Chapple, Karen, Cynthia Kroll, T. William Lester and Sergio Montero. 2010. Innovation in the Green Economy: An Extension of the Regional Innovation System Model? Economic Development Quarterly 2011 25: 5
Glaeser, Edward L. 2005. Should the Government Rebuild New Orleans, Or Just Give Residents Checks? The Economists' Voice 2 (4) Article 4.

see also:
Matti Siemiatycki, Implications of Private-Public Partnerships on the Development of Urban Public Transit Infrastructure: The Case of Vancouver, Canada, in Readings in Planning Theory.
Hall, Peter. Cities of Tomorrow (Ch. 11)
Joe Painter, Regulation Theory, Post-Fordism and Urban Politics, in Readings in Urban Theory.
Mark Purcel, Neoliberalization and Democracy, in Readings in Urban Theory.


Nov 28: No class (Thanksgiving Break)

      Essay Three due Dec 3

Dec 3: Theory goes Global (Globalization, Megacities, Informational Society)

Saskia Sassen, The Global City: Strategic Site/New Frontier, in Readings in Urban Theory
John Friedmann, Reflections on Place and Place-Making in the Cities of China, in Readings in Urban Theory.
Oren Yiftachel, Re-engaging Planning Theory? Towards 'South-Eastern' Perspectives, in Readings in Planning Theory
Ward Steven, Reexamining the International Diffusion of Planning, in Readings in Planning Theory
Packer, George. 2006. The Megacity: a Reporter at Large. The New Yorker 82 (37), Nov 13: 64-75.
[interesting contemporary contrast to Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives and Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working-Class in England]

see also:
Watson, Vanessa(2003) 'Conflicting rationalities: implications for planning theory and ethics', Planning Theory & Practice, 4:4, 395-407.
Peter Evans, Political Strategies for More Livable Cities, in Readings in Planning Theory
Yang Zheng and Ke Fang, Is history repeating itself? Urban Renewal in the United States to Inner-City Redevelopment in China, in Readings in Planning Theory
David Harvey, Uneven Geographical Developments and Universal Rights, in Readings in Urban Theory.
Michael Peter Smith, Transnationalism and Citizenship, in Readings in Urban Theory.
Ha-Joon Chang, The Economic Theory of the Developmental State, in Readings in Urban Theory.
Mike Davis, The Prevalence of Slums, in Readings in Urban Theory.
James Holston, Dangerous Spaces of Citizenship: Gang Talk, Rights Talk and Rule of Law in Brazil, in Readings in Urban Theory.
The Guardian: The rise of megacities – interactive [link]

and see the UP650 (Advanced Urban Theory) blog: Visualizing the Global/National/Local


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Dec 5: Synthesis, Review Session + Question and Answer


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