Sillman: 2007 Photochemical Mechanisms

Photochemical mechanisms used in 2007 publications

Dr. Sanford Sillman

Research Scientist

University of Michigan

Also at this site:

Documentation of photochemical mechanisms from 2007 publications

The following files contain listings of photochemical mechanisms that form supplementary material to:

Ito, A., S. Sillman, and J. E. Penner (2007), Effects of additional nonmethane v olatile organic compounds, organic nitrates, and direct emissions of oxygenated organic species on global tropospheric chemistry, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D06309, doi:10.1029/2005JD006556.


Sillman, S. F. Marsik, K. I. Al-Wali, G. J. Keeler and M. Landis, Reactive merc ury in the troposphere: Model formation and results for Florida, the northeaste rn U.S. and the Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2007, doi:10.1029/2006JD008227.

Links are also provided to outside sources (e.g. Evans et al., 2003) that are used and cited extensively in the mechanisms developed here.

Gas-phase mechanism: (published version, 2007)
Ito, A., S. Sillman and J. E. Penner, Appendix: The extended global photochemistry mechanism (2007). (Representing the mechanism used in the IMPACT global model. A publication describing model results is currently in press at J. Geophys. Res.)

For reference: The GEOS_Chem gas-phase mechanism:
The gas-phase mechanism described by Ito et al. represents an extension of the GEOS_Chem mechanism. A link to GEOS_Chem is provided here.
Evans, M. J., A. Fiore and D. J. Jacob, (2003) The GEOS-CHEM chemical mechanism version 5-07-8, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Aqueous and halogen mechanism: (version accepted for publication, 2007)
Sillman. S., F. Marsik,K. Al-Wali, J. Keeler and M. Landis, Appendix B: Aqueous chemistry and gas-phase halogen chemistry (2007).

Chemistry of atmospheric mercury: (version accepted for publication, 2007)
Sillman. S., F. Marsik,K. Al-Wali, J. Keeler and M. Landis, Appendix C: Photochemical reactions involving mercury (2007).