Simran Khunger

I am a mathematics Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I am interested in the Langlands program and representation theory.

  • Email address: skhunger at umich dot edu

Research Areas

    These days, I'm thinking about aspects of automorphic forms, especially on the analytic side. I'm also interested in refinements of the local Langlands conjecture. My research has been in representation theory, analytic number theory, and partition theory.

    I am currently funded by the NSF GRFP under Grant No. DGE-2241144.

  • Generalizations of Alder's Conjecture via a conjecture of Kang and Park.
      A. Duncan, S. Khunger, H. Swisher, R. Tamura.
  • Extending support for the centered moments of the low lying zeroes of cuspidal newforms
    • P. Cohen, J. Dell, O. E. González, G. Iyer, S. Khunger, C. Kwan, S. J. Miller, A. Shashkov, A. S. Reina, C. Sprunger, N. Triantafillou, N. Truong, R. V. Peski, S. Willis, Y. Yang
  • Limiting Spectral Distributions of Families of Block Matrix Ensembles.
      T. Dunn, H. Fleischmann, F. Jackson, S. Khunger, S. J. Miller, L. Reifenberg, A. Shashkov, S. Willis.
      The PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research 5 (2022), 122-147. [arXiv]
  • Explicit zero-free regions for automorphic cuspidal newforms.
      S. Creech, A. Hamieh, S. Khunger, K. Sinha, J. Streipel, K. Tsang.
      In preparation. (2023)
  • On Iwasawa algebras of p-adic groups.
      R. Ariaz, S. Creech, B. Hu, S. Khunger, K. Koziol, B. Rankothge, N. Reddy, B. Zhang.
      In preparation. (2024)
Current Involvement
  • I am on the executive board for UM's AWM chapter. I liaise with the department to invite diverse speakers for our colloquium. Have an idea for a speaker for UM's colloquium? Drop me an email!
  • I help run and mentor for UM's DRP program.
  • In 2023-24, I am organizing a student number theory reading seminar on automorphic representations and related topics.