Web Server Transaction Logs

Project Report
David S. Carter
University Library Associate Project
August 18, 1995

Jump to: Statement of the Problem | Literature Review | Goals & Methodology | Limitations | Future Work | Cited References

Statement of the Problem

Many libraries are creating World-Wide Web documents as information services for their patrons. In order to effectively gauge the effectiveness of these documents, librarians should perform research on their usage, as has been done in the past with other types of information products (i.e. OPACs, CD-ROM databases, etc.). However, the tools available for analyzing data from HTTP (Web) servers (such as wwwstat, Fielding, 1994) are at best crude and at worst useless. In the past, librarians have found it helpful to conduct transaction log analyses to examine user behavior with information systems. For my University Library Associate Project, I have written a program, Clark, which creates transaction logs from HTTP server access logs, and have written a sample program, statanal, which demonstrates some simple analysis which can be done using the transaction logs.

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Literature Review

Transaction Logs

Transaction logs have been used by librarians for over a quarter of a century to unobtrusively monitor user behavior with information systems (Peters, Kaske & Kurth, 1993). A transaction log is the output product of transaction monitoring. The transaction monitoring of an information system is defined as "the automatic logging of the type, content, or time of transactions made by a person from a terminal with that system" (Peters, Kurth, Flaherty, Sandore, & Kaske, 1993, p. 38).

To date, most transaction log analysis (TLA) has been done with OPACs and CD-ROM databases (Peters, 1993). However, Peters (1993) points out that "aggregate usage patterns of new types of IR systems, such as Gopher, are useful and enlightening" (p. 46). Peters goes on to say that "studies of reference service providers' use of IR systems still need to be undertaken" (p. 57) and that TLA studies need to move into examining the use of IR systems over the Internet.

Why use TLA? Kaske (1993) Crawford (1987) identifies the two main purposes of TLA to be performing statistical analysis of system performance and use, and undertaking analysis of searching behavior and problems. Sandore (1993) identifies many ways in which the results of TLA can be applied to improve information systems. These include anticipating the evolution of system use and demands, determining user preference for experimental changes, monitoring the use of help systems, determining instructional needs, and monitoring user searching patterns. Wallace (1993) demonstrated how TLA can identify bibliographic instruction needs and point out weaknesses in information system design. Young (1992) illustrated the use of TLA as a collection management tool.

The unobtrusive nature of TLAs, while in many respects a strength, can also be a weakness. Kurth (1993) states: "Transaction log data effectively describe what searches patrons enter and when they enter them, but they don't reflect, except through inference, who enters the searches, why they enter them, and how satisfied they are with their results" (p. 98). Kurth further goes on to explain that errors in TLA can arise through limitations of the online system, the inability to isolate and characterize individual users, and decisions and biases of the researcher analyzing the logs. To account for some of the shortcomings in TLA, Cochrane & Markey (1983) suggest combining TLA with another type of analysis (either questionnaire or protocol) to provide a more complete picture which can draw on the strengths of both types of studies.

The World-Wide Web

The World-Wide Web (WWW, or simply the Web) is a network hypertext protocol which employs hypertext markup language (HTML) to link documents to each other (Nickerson, 1992). It was developed back in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, a research at the Swiss research facility CERN, but the use of the WWW took off in 1993 with the introduction by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications' (NCSA) Mosaic program, a graphical WWW client (or browser) which was available for UNIX, Macintosh, and Windows systems and, most importantly, was free (Andreessen & Bina, 1994).

Polly & Cisler (1994) point out two weakness of the use of the Web as an information system: slowness and "chaotic disorganization [sic]" (p. 34). While the issue of speed will have to be taken up by computer scientists and engineers, the disorganization of the Web is a prime target for librarians to tackle. Powell (1994) was one of many to identify the uses to which libraries could put the WWW in the creation of library information systems. To date, hundreds of libraries around the world have created and mounted various documents on the Web, from simple informational 'handouts' to Internet resource subject guides to a library (the Internet Public Library) which exists solely on the Web (Goldberg, 1995 ). It is hoped that applying TLA to WWW systems will go a step or two towards evaluating and improving library WWW information systems.

The Internet community is also starting to recognize the need for Web server TLA (though they may not know the term). Cutler & Hall (1995) point out that business with Web sites "want to know the answers to some relatively simple questions:

All questions which, to one extent or another, can be answered using Web server TLA. Although some commercial products that meet these needs from a business aspect are being developed (e.g. Intersé Market Focus; Analysis Software, 1995 ) there is a need for a public domain, customizable, multi-platform, research oriented program, such as Clark, the program I have developed for this project.


Before the arrival of the WWW on the big scene, the Engineering Library at the University of Michigan developed a HyperCard stack called Archimedes which went into public release in March 1991 (Ottaviani, 1995 ). Archimedes used HyperCard, a Macintosh hypertext authoring program, to present users with information about the library and the collection. Importantly, the versions of Archimedes which resided on dedicated terminals on the library floor kept track of its use by patrons and generated a transaction log and summary statistics. In 1994 the staff of the Engineering Library developed a set of WWW documents which, among other functions, duplicated the content of Archimedes in the new Web environment; in 1995 the public Archimedes stations were replaced by a dedicated Netscape station on the library floor which defaulted to the library's new WWW home page and information system. It was the desire to be able to gather the same transaction information and statistics as was possible with Archimedes in the new WWW system which was one of the main impetuses for this project.

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Goals & Methodology

This project had three goals:

1. Devise a program to extract transaction logs from NCSA HTTP server access logs, containing the following information:

The program, Clark, allows the optional selection or exclusion of certain hosts from the transaction log (e.g. to exclude staff workstations, etc.), and uses host information combined with a time gap of inactivity (user-definable or default setting) to determine that start and end points of a transaction.

All programming was done in Perl, a widely used, relatively easy, cross-platform, free language (Potter, 1995 ). The program was designed to use the access logs generated by NCSA's HTTP server, one of the most popular and widely used Web servers; this access log format has been adopted as a common log format for many other HTTP servers. Clark has been tested on access logs from the Internet Public Library and the University of Michigan Engineering Library's WWW sites. The program works well, though is slow and still has a few minor things that need to be ironed out. See the online documentation for Clark for more information.

2. Devise one or more programs which use the transaction log to analyze the information contained therein. Ideas include:

A program called statanal performs exploratory statistical analysis for the number of events in each transaction and transaction length, then outputs ordered data sets for future use (in a more robust statistical analysis software package). statanal was tested on transaction logs generated by Clark based on data from the Internet Public Library and the University of Michigan Engineering Library. Other analysis programs are forthcoming.

3. Develop documentation so that others can use the programs, write analysis programs of their own, and modify the transaction log generating program as their own research needs require.

The documentation includes this report, manual pages for Clark and statanal, and comments within the code, all of which can be found at the Clark distribution site on the World-Wide Web. The clark.pl and statanal.pl Perl scripts can also be downloaded from this site.

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Besides the limitations inherent in transaction logs, the transaction logs I develop will be hindered by two additional limitations inherent in WWW systems:
  1. Caching: Most browsers cache text and images, so when a user returns to a previously viewed page, the server is often not accessed; thus, the server access log contains no record of the return to the cached document and this action cannot be registered in the transaction log. This means that the transaction logs will, by necessity, be incomplete.

  2. Links to other servers: It is in the nature of WWW documents that links are often made to other documents which do not reside on the same server. When a user follows such a link, no indication is made to the server, and thus the user's behavior outside of the particular document space cannot be monitored or studied.
In a personal conversation, Kerr (1995) suggested the following solutions to these two problems:
  1. Caching: Put an expired tag for a very short period of time in the document header. Many browsers will recognize this tag and thus go back to the server every time the document is accessed, rather than get it from the cache.

  2. Links to other servers: Instead of linking to an external server directly, run the request through a CGI script, which will then send the user off to the proper place. Thus the requests to the CGI script will be noted in the log.
It remains to be seen how detrimental of an impact either or both of these factors will have on Web server transaction log analysis. Hopefully this project will help to illuminate the possible effects of these limitations.

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Future Work

Clark is in a good, usable state right now, but can certainly use more work. Here's what I'd like to accomplish in the near future: It is hoped that this project will help instill in others the desire to do quantitative and qualitative research on the use and impact of WWW based information products, via TLA or other types of analysis.

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Cited References

Analysis Software. (1995). http://www.interse.com/marketfocus/ return to text

Andreessen, M. & Bina, E. (1994). NCSA Mosaic: a global hypermedia system. Internet Research, 4(1), 7-17. return to text

Cochrane, P. A. & Markey, K. (1983). Catalog use studies--since the introduction of online interactive catalogs: impact on design for subject access. Library & Information Science Research, 5(4), 337-363. return to text

Crawford, W. (1987). Patron access: issues for online catalogs. Boston: G. K. Hall. return to text

Cutler, M. & Hall, D. (1995). Sizing 'em up. Internet World, 6(8), 22-24. return to text

Fielding, R. (1994). wwwstat -- distribution information. http://www.ics.uci.edu/WebSoft/wwwstat/ return to text

Goldberg, B. (1995). Virtual patrons flock into the Internet Public Library. American Libraries, 26, 387-388. return to text

Kaske, N. K. (1993). Research methodologies and transaction log analysis: issues, questions, and a proposed model. Library Hi Tech, 11(2), 79-85. return to text

Kerr, E. (1995). Personal Communication, June 21, 1995. return to text

Kurth, M. (1993). The Limits and limitations of transaction log analysis. Library Hi Tech, 11(2), 98-104. return to text

Nickerson, G. (1992). World Wide Web: hypertext from CERN. Computers in Libraries, 12(11), 75-77. return to text

Ottaviani, J. S. (1995). Archimedes: analysis of a HyperCard reference tool. College & Research Libraries, 56(2), 171-182. return to text

Peters, T. A. (1993). The History and development of transaction log analysis. Library Hi Tech, 11(2), 41-66. return to text

Peters, T. A., Kurth, M., Flaherty, P., Sandore, B., & Kaske, N. A. (1993). An Introduction to the special section on transaction log analysis. Library Hi Tech, 11(2), 38-40. return to text

Peters, T. A., Kaske, N. K., & Kurth, M. (1993). Transaction log analysis. Library Hi Tech Bibliography, 8, 151-183. return to text

Polly, J. A. & Cisler, S. (1994). What's wrong with Mosaic? Library Journal, 119(7), 32-34. return to text

Potter, S. (1995). comp.lang.perl.* FAQ. http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/perl-faq/top.html return to text

Powell, J. (1994). Adventures with the World Wide Web: creating a hypertext library information system. Database, 17(2), 59-66. return to text

Sandore, B. (1993). Applying the results of transaction log analysis. Library Hi Tech, 11(2), 87-97. return to text

Wallace, P. M. (1993). How do patrons search the online catalog when no one's looking? Transaction log analysis and implications for bibliographic instruction and system design. RQ, 33(2), 239-252. return to text

Young, I. R. (1992). The Use of a general periodicals bibliographic database transaction log as a serials collection management tool. Serials Review, 18(4), 49-60. return to text

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rev. Aug 18, 1995

Copyright 1995 David S. Carter, All rights reserved
