Issue 6.3, Summer 1997, has arrived!
What is it?
The Journal of the PK Institute for Information Engineering is the name of the 'zine that I write for All of the Above, an APA devoted to GURPS. The Journal of the PK Institute began with volume 3, number 1, Winter 1994; previous issues were titled A Rock and a Hard Place.The Journal of the PK Institute for Information Engineering is presently published quarterly. It is my intention to make electronic editions of The Journal of the PK Institute for Information Engineering available on the Web.
Note: Older issues are available online in HTML. More recent issues (since volume 4(3/4)) are available only in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format. Yes, it would be nice to have everything in both formats, but it is much easier to convert my PageMaker files into Acrobat files than it is to mark up all the HTML. And I'm sure that you'd all rather have the issues available in a timely manner.
Back Issues
- Volume 3(1), Winter 1994
- Coming Someday...
- Volume 3(2), Spring 1994
- Features: The Imagus Region; Yarbak (fantasy world); Winter 4: Einstein
- Volume 3(3), Summer 1994
- Coming Someday...
- Volume 3(4), Fall 1994
- Features: Illuminatti: New World Order Solitaire Rules; The Ecology of the Hypocrate; Second String (fantasy adventure)
- Volume 4(1/2), Winter/Spring 1995
- Conspiracy Theme Issue
- Features: Who Killed Richard Nixon This Time? (illuminatti campaign starter); ENIAC II; Turin (fantasy world)
- Volume 4(3/4), Summer/Fall 1995 New!
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat) 10 pages, 179K
- Features: SupersPunk (Supers/Cyberpunk world); alt.conspiracy fodder
- Volume 5(1), Winter 1996 New!
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat) 7 pages, 193K
- Features: Legend of the Silver Gunslinger (historical SupersPunk); Innsmouth Home for the Criminally Insane (SupersPunk setting & characters); alt.ufo.reports fodder
- Volume 5(2), Spring 1996 New!
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat) 39 pages, 740K
- Features: Winter: Solomon's Story; SupersPunk Characters; New Spells
- Volume 5(3), Summer 1996 New!
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat) 18 pages, 371K
- Supers Theme Issue
- Features: Corps & Mega-Corps (SupersPunk); Darkheart (SupersPunk adventure); Quintessence & Peppermints (fiction)
- Volume 6(1), Winter 1997 New!
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat) 7 pages, 271K
- Features: The Songs That Make the Whole World(s) Sing (music in role-playing); alt.conspiracy fodder
- Volume 6(2), Spring 1997 New!
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat) 13 pages, 350K
- Features: The Men in Black (GURPS adventure); SupersPunk Characters
- Volume 6(3), Summer 1997 New!
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat) 11 pages, 224K
- Unofficial Vampire Theme Issue
- Features: GURPS Buffy the Vampire Slayer (mini-worldbook); Cyber Slayer; Nano Vampires
Note: JPK volume 5(4) was skipped over, and will be published at a later date
The Best of A Rock and a Hard Place
Winter is the name of a fantasy/sf GURPS campaign that I ran a while ago and am presently running via email. Portions of the world of Winter have appeared somewhat irregularly in A Rock and a Hard Place and The Journal of the PK Institute for Information Engineering. As they are converted to hypertext they will be made available.
Copyright 1992-1997 David S. Carter. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction or distribution of these documents, physical or electronic, public or private, without the expressed consent of the author, is prohibited.
The Journal of the PK Institute for Information Engineering is proud to be listed in the E-Zine-List.
rev. 8/97