Dave's Home Page

The Preschool Years

Hello and Welcome to my home page. Having joyous fun in preschool, but soon it will be time for this page to attend grade school....

What's New

My Life (so far...)

A much longer version of my life story will soon be available, but these are the highlights on my current situation:

Or you can always take a peek at my resume (updated on May 2, 1996).

Here are the various ways I waste my time:

Here are the web pages of some of my bestest friends: Sara, Kat, Jim, Nigel, Lydia, Tom, John, Henrik, Nettie, Schelle, Gene; Who did I forget? No slight intended...

Things I Did Myself

Fun Stuff

Work Stuff

These are things I am either working on right now or have done in the recent past.
rev. June 12, 1996

David S. Carter