Time and location: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4pm in East Hall 2866
Instructor: Linh Truong (tlinh@umich.edu)
Office hours: By appointment
Course Information: Syllabus
Date | Topics | References |
8/29 | Overview and motivating questions | |
8/31 | Heegaard diagrams for 3-manifolds |
[GS] p. 112-115
[OS-5] §2 |
9/5 | Morse theory | [Mil] p. 1-39 |
9/7 | Morse homology |
[McD] §1.1-1.2
[Hut] §2.1-2.4 [AD] §3, §4 |
9/12 | Lagrangian Floer homology |
[AD] §5, §6
[Aur] §1 |
9/14 | Lagrangian Floer homology | [Aur] §1 |
9/19 | Symmetric Products of Surfaces |
[OS-1] §2.1-2.4
[OS-5] §4, §5 |
9/21 | Heegaard Floer homology: definition | [OS-5] §7 |
9/26 | Maslov grading, admissible Heegaard diagrams, Turaev reformulation of spin^c structures | [OS-5] §6, §7 |
9/28 | Heegaard Floer homology: Invariance I | [OS-1] |
10/3 | Invariance II: Holomorphic triangles and rectangles | [OS-1] |
10/5 |
Heegaard Floer variants: minus, plus, infinity
Surgery Exact Triangle: statement and applications |
[OS-5] §8
[OS-6] §1 |
10/10 | Surgery Exact Triangle: Proof | [OS-6] §2 |
10/12 | Surgery on knots | [OS-6] §2 |
10/16 | fall break; no class | |
10/19 | Applications: L-spaces and Branched Double Covers | [OS-6] §1 |
10/24 | Cobordism maps | [OS-6] §3 |
10/26 | Absolute gradings, d-invariants, and computations | [OS-8] |
10/31 | Examples, nice diagrams and combinatorial HF |
[OS-7] §2.2
[SW] |
11/2 | Grid homology |
[Grid Homology]
[example] |
11/7 | Knot Floer homology: Definition | [Hom] |
11/9 |
Knot Floer homology: Examples
Definition of the tau invariant |
[Hom] |
11/14 | Heegaard Floer homology of knot surgery and computations | [Hom] |